Chapter L - Missions

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(This little bit up top has nothing to do with the story and is nsfw, so skip if you'd like)

Uhm..well..I may have just found out that Meta Knight has, like, 500+ pieces of r34. Why?

Also, apparently there is r34 of TETRIS BLOCKS. Like, HOW??

Additionally, I would like to quickly add that Heavy lobster and Sir dragatto are the only ones thus far in the Kirby series without r34 pics. Every member of the Meta Knights has one, all the other star warriors have one and I'm sure every villain in the franchise also has one. If you are a rule 34 artist reading this, then I have no words. 

I'm very concerned for the sanity of everyone on this earth, especially those who find that sort of art of Meta Knight interesting hot or any other words. I have to bleach my eyes after this. 

And, there's a love story on amazon to do with raining tetris blocks and a woman ending up screwing said blocks, may I point that out. 

Anyway, Narrator's rant over and, if you make rule 34, please stop. 

"I don't understand why the hell you're taking it all so seriously." Dark Meta Knight tried to scowl, but ended up trembling with nervousness. 

Maddie, Becca and Saffron stared at one another. They believed he was just being difficult because he was feeling awkward about the whole thing. It was understandable though, as love sounded like a difficult game. Then again, they had experience in that field so they should know. 

Maddie, being the laid back and sometimes senseless teen she was, she sat on the sofa and picked up her phone, scrolling through images. She claimed they were from artists on earth, and occasionally they would hear her chuckle ever so slightly. 

Becca lead the other two over to the kitchen table to discuss a further plan of action. None of them knew how to go about it; the girls didn't expect it to be so easy to sort out while Dark Meta was practically having a panic attack. 

While they discussed their plans, they heard Maddie fall onto the floor with her phone screen shattering into small pieces. Uncontrollably, she laughed aloud in a rather psychotic way. It was disturbing to hear, but they ignored her for several minutes. When they asked her what the hell she was laughing about, she shook her head and told them it was nothing. 

"Maddie, if you're looking up that weird website again..I swear.."

"I wasn't! Apparently, people ship Susie and Meta. Hah! That's actually really fucked up..." Maddie butted in, lifting up the cracked phone screen to show barely eligible words. From what they could see, it read,

Susie trembled with anxiety as she held the note behind her back. Well, she'd never expected it to end up like this, but apparently it would. She'd spent months fighting back her feelings, pretending everything she felt was faux. She had to admit, it was certainly more than just his fighting skills that impressed her. The way he was so soft and caring under all the armour, metaphorical and literal, it was something that made her heart flutter. 

Slowly, she edged forwards and slipped the delicate note beneath the door. As it slipped out of her grasp, she squeezed her eyes shut and pretended to not regret her decision. A person approached the door on the other side and picked the note up as she hurried off to avoid being caught. 

'He..he hates me!' Susie though,'After what I did with Haltmann, there is no chance that he'll return the feelings I have for him.'

What they had read, not even they knew. They could read it, but it felt as though they were reading a language that wasn't processable . 

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