Chapter XXXII - Under his control

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As he sat atop his throne, he continued to cry to himself about how lonely he had become. He'd changed drastically over the period of several years, how did the people still find it in themselves to hold a grudge?

Maybe it was just how life was laid out, maybe it was how destiny had been written, maybe it was just set in stone.

No, he was deserving of affection, kindness and support too. And, no matter how awful of a despicable dictator he was, he had changed his ways for the sake of his people.

However, because he had been mentally cut open and left to bleed, terrible things were liable to happen.

Halfway through a choked sob, the lights dimmed so Dedede was incapable of seeing past the few steps before his throne. A similar, sinister cackle filled the air, with so much energy that it made Kirby look lazy.

As he fondled his violet mustache lovingly, Haltmann approached the king with a smirk plastered across his face. Lillian was nowhere to be seen, which meant he was confident with himself.

With a knowing glisten present in his eye, he lowered his floating hand and greeted the King with half as much energy, but twice as much enthusiasm,"Hello, your Majesty. You appear to be lonely; sitting here in this poorly furbished room must surely be weighing your spirits down. Would you care to join me on a pleasant cruise?"

The monarch slowly fixed his posture, and went as far as to sit upright. Knowing that it was Haltmann who he was speaking with, he knew there would be strings attached.

Declining his offer, he claimed that there were better things he could be doing, to which the Haltonian proved was a lie. "I mean no harm when I come here, all I want is for us to have an alliance. There is nothing else I require or desire."

"What exactly makes me the one you want to ask?" Dedede growled with a hateful glare that made Haltmann nervous.

"Well, your majesty, you appear to be all alone with no activity to occupy your short attention span. And, I'm fully aware that we haven't had the nicest memories made, but I hope that could possibly change." Haltmann lied, faking a pitiful and sympathetic appearance.

What did he have to lose? It weren't as if any of them would care if he left, as they only kept him around for the movie nights that he hosted for them. Besides, even if he did go missing there was a slim chance they would find him or even bother to search, or even think about him.

Groaning, Dedede hoisted himself off his throne, using the armrests for support. "Very well then. I believed that you would like to join me in turning over the slate and become my acquaintance?" Haltmann smiled, pretending to have innocent goals.

A darker expression filled Dedede's face, an expression that made a storm day seem like a sunny one,"What? I thought we were going to mechanize Popstar once and for all! I believed we were going to lock up that no-good, trashy 'strongest warrior in the galaxy' Galacta Knight, and crush Kirby, Bandana Waddle Dee and that Dark Meta Knight!"

"Funny how you forgot to mention Morpho Knight, Astral Knight, (Y/n) and Meta Knight. Do you have a relationship with them, or a soft spot?" The Haltonian joked, feeling regretful when he saw how Dedede reacted to the last name he recited.

It was clear there was something between them, whether it be shared or one-sided.

He petted his mustache in thought, as one of his eyebrows made its way up his forehead. Perhaps that information would be useful for future references. Maybe he could concoct a plan using said information.

Or, maybe he did want a friendship after having nobody around to support him.


"It's been so long since we've done anything like this, Meta." Galacta Knight said, holding the gloved hand of his lover in his own, while giving him an affectionate glance to accompany it,"I don't know where I would be without you."

"It's rather funny to remember how it all started. With you bursting through the top of the circus tent and then losing the swordfight. You remember, si?" The Spanish warrior asked.

Playfully, he rolled his eyes at his question,"Of course I remember. Also, you've been speaking more fluent English recently. Well, you've not been breaking off into other languages as much, why so?"

"I thought you wouldn't understand, so I tried to make it so you could." He explained, a rather sad tone in his voice.

Galacta rested a hand on his lover's pauldron,"Look, don't change for me. It's not love if you're constantly adjusting yourself for me. And, I'm fine with you speaking more than one language."

"Gracias, mi amor." Meta Knight smiled, allowing himself to be as playful as Galacta was being.

Though he didn't understand what he was saying, Galacta Knight vaguely understood and couldn't help but chuckle before getting in on the conversation again,"I learnt a bit of Spanish and I believe it means 'I love you to the stars and back'."

Intrigued, Meta Knight allowed Galacta Knight to continue.

"Quiero follarte tan Mal." He proudly said.

Meta immediately felt his face heat up. He was halfway between believing it was a dirty joke, and halfway between believing it was a not-so-innocent mistake.

When Galacta saw how he had impacted his lover, he went on and said,"It's true, though. Wait, I learned another bit of Spanish. Let me say it all together.."

He cleared his throat before saying,"Quiero follarte tan Mal. Quiero empujarte hacia abajo y golpearte fuerte. It means 'I love you to the stars and back. You're my Sun, Moon and Stars and you mean the world to me.'"

"Galacta.. that's not what that means.."

"Then, what does it mean?" He innocently questioned.

"It means,'I wanna fuck you so bad. I want to push you down and pound you hard.'" Meta explained, hardly able to stop himself from laughing. He was mildly amused by it, but curious if he meant what he said.

"Oh my Nova..I-I.. Well..uhm..this is embarrassing!" Galacta light-heartedly giggled, trying to cover up how thoroughly embarrassed he was,"I-I didn't mean it! Or..yeah, I didn't mean it."

"Okay then, but what about when you were speaking with Morpho Knight about all those months ago?" He asked, out of genuine interest,"All I heard was 'Ki'."

The magenta Knight took a moment to reflect and try to remember the conversation he was on about,"Oh, at Kawasaki's? We were talking about.. Kids..He was asking me if I was considering having a family. I told him no, considering we're the same gender."

"Well, would you like kids? We could always adopt some. Then again, Kirby, (Y/n) and Bandana Waddle Dee seem like our children as it is." Meta reasoned, getting a hum of agreement from his lover.

The two decided to finish the date by sitting down and staring at the sunset. It was entrancing, the view was.

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