Chapter XXXVIV - Solutions

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"What if I became the Queen of this place?" Becca theorised,"Then I could have control over Dreamland and right the wrongs he caused. I would lower taxes, help the community and make them feel safe! I would also give the heros the congratulations they rightfully deserve!"

All of her sisters cheered and clapped at her miniature speech. The thought of their sister ruling Dreamland and helping out the Star Warriors at the same time, it was amazing.

The mood was so uplifting until Faye noticed the Cappies had burned down Kirby's house. She whimpered slightly, feeling as though she had failed him.


The collection of Star Warriors felt as though they didn't belong, and it was really ruining their self esteem. They knew they weren't demon beasts, but the younger one had that much confidence knocked out of him that he couldn't tell if he was or wasn't. No amount of reassurance and affections could persuade him.

(Y/n) sat against the bare wall, wondering what they could do. It wasn't a problem that could be solved through violence, as it would only worsen it. From the few minutes they had to ponder, no solutions had managed to come to mind. Not even the knights could think of anything, as most of their troubles were fixed with violent actions.

They could only think of leaving the country, as it was the only reasonable option. No, the fuel on the Halberd wouldn't last. Back to square one - the drawing board.

Dedede and his partner came trudging down the hall, with his predictably loud laugh making his presence known. Clapping his hands together, he declared,"I am gonna defeat you's because I'm a supa stah warrior."

Becca and Saffron could hardly hold back from laughing. That 'supa stah warrior' was really pathetic in their eyes. Neither of them had to intervene as he would fail to pose a threat.

He ran at them and then struck a pose, placing his hand on his head and another of his waist. In a low voice, he whispered in a voice meant to be seductive,"Get ready to be beat by a supa stah warrior."

Haltmann almost died from second hand embarrassment, as it was very cringe enducing. It took every ounce of patience to refrain from attacking him. Keeping his cool was difficult.

When Dedede finally stopped boasting about his muscles and finally attacked, (Y/n) grabbed his fist and threw it back at him. It barely classified as a battle, as it were more of a scrap.

It was humiliating for Haltmann to watch, and he ended up hurling a throwing knife at his own companion to prevent him from continuing."We're not after killing them, sire, we're simply getting rid of any problematic figures. Tying up loose ends, if you will."

With that, Haltmann tossed a smoke bomb on the floor and, by the time the smoke cleared, he and Dedede were gone.

"Damn it!" (Y/n) yelled, slamming a tight fist against the stone wall. Several cracks spouted from the punch,"We could've done something!"

Becca burst out from behind her room and smirked,"We have an idea. It's easy, simple and foolproof."

They were warmly welcomed into Becca's room, where they met with Maddie, Saffron and Faye. Nobody had noticed Lillian's absence.

She sat atop a branch in Whispy Woods, silently stalking a gang of Cappies who had gone to Kabu for guidance. Foolishly, they had believed Dedede's lies, pushing aside the fact that he was constantly deceiving them. It was unbelievable that they still fell for his foolish jokes and were victims to his pranks and tret him as though he were an ally.

Away in the Galaxy (Kirby Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें