Chapter LXVII - Halloween Special - Part 2!

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Dedede was on his own by the sea, skimming rocks across the vast body of water in a melancholic manner. Soon, it would be the end of the tournament and everything that happened would end. 

The final round was a turf war, fighting the other teams with paint and making as much of the map coated with their team's colour. 

Speaking of, only one team in the finals consisted of familiar faces. The other team, named Skulls and Tones, was made up of people who weren't even from Dreamland. They were foreigners, so he didn't even know where they came from or any small detail that anybody could overlook. 

His thoughts seemed to come to a close when he stole a glance at the sun's position in the sky, indicating it was around twelve-ish. 

A feeling of tranquillity washed over him as he observed the strange yet appealing motion of the waves before him. He wasn't one for being observant, but the water hypnotised him in ways he didn't believe to be possible. How hadn't he noticed the beauty of the water?

His reflection looked at him with widened eyes and an inquisitive expression, exactly like the one he wore himself. 

Oddly enough, the entire reflection changed...

What he could see now was a technological-looking city, overrun by traffic and...Haltmann?

A large building stood above all of the apartment blocks and smaller businesses. A girl was stood where his reflection would have been; she had pale blonde hair that reached her chin, much like Faye's except it was straight. Her entire face was hidden via a gas mask, with only her narrowed and angry eyes staring back at the helicopter that illuminated the otherwise dim street. Cars were parked at the sides of the road, looking more as though they had crashed. 

He marvelled at the imagery in front of him, gasping at the scene. So, Haltmann was using them again to try and allow what he thought was his creation onto the streets and destroy the galaxy? Well, he had several doubts about that idea, as it was possible she was escaping Haltmann or trying to make a revolution happen, who knew? For all he knew, it could've just been an illusion or his eyes playing tricks on him; his sight wasn't the best but the blinding light made it worse. 

It was a moment until the scene reverted back to his own reflection and the beautiful sky above him. He was stunned, believing it to be an illusion or a hallucination as they had already dealt with the sinister and heartless business man plenty of times before and had finished him off for good. 

As he inanimately stared towards the sky, he heard the laughter of children in the distance. How he longed for an easy life, ruling the kingdom without any struggles and not having to be forced to put up with monsters and demons from alternate universes and whatnot. Nova, he'd give up his soul for that, as it would be a fair deal. 

"Look who it is, drowning in self pity again. What, is someone getting a little tired of leading a fulfilling and action-packed life?" He could hear Bonnie's voice and really didn't feel like putting up with her anytime soon. His silence only made her continue," I suppose I could possibly help you with a cost of course."

Her words got to him," How could you help me? You're probably saying that to wind me up, aren't you?" 

He couldn't see her anywhere, but he felt her presence," I'm a God, Demitry, I know everything about everyone. I'll let you know that my intelligence passes bounds which you consider impossible for any life force below me. I exceed expectations all the time, so meeting and surpassing yours would be of no challenge to me." 

"Demitry?" The King repeated, feeling a bit disturbed by the fact she was using his actual name," It's just Dedede to you. If you really were God, you'd know that." 

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