Chapter XV - Safe back home

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As the portal closed, they looked around and took in the sights of Dreamland. Though they lived there, they occasionally forgot about the immense natural beauty that surrounded them.

"It's..this is where you live? Lucky.." Lillian gasped, her words sounding entranced.

She didn't get an answer, as nobody could provide an answer.

As much as she wanted to stay, she knew she would have to return to Haltmann if she wanted to live another Day. He wasn't too kind to Dedede after he had found him on a nearby planet. From what she'd seen, he was in a form of dungeon room, starved of all basic necessities and interactions.

Hesitantly, she turned to leave.

But couldn't bring herself to.

As she bade goodbye to her newfound friends and her various siblings, she swore that she would return and assist them in the meantime.

"Wow, how exhausting was that? We still have Haltmann to get through yet.." Saffron moaned in disappointment and realization,"It'll be disastrous this time round, I'll tell you that."

Morpho glanced at her, confusion painted on his face,"How would you know what it was like last time?"

Snickering, Saffron covered her mouth and said,"Because I do. I know many things you don't, so get over it."

He was sick of arguing with everyone, so he left the scene and retreated to the depths of Whispy Woods to cool off.

The other returned to the castle, aside from Saffron who went to Earth to check on her gang, The HeartShots.

(Their gang symbol, emblem or whatever

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(Their gang symbol, emblem or whatever.)

The day was ominously peaceful and it was rather relaxed for once.


He grabbed at the bars of his cell as the chains yanked him backwards. His shackles rattled loudly with a metallic clink and Haltmann watched as he struggled hopelessly.

The Haltonian gave a clap of his floating hands and a golden version of Susie came racing out of nowhere to fulfil his orders,"Go and get me the finest wine we have so my thirst can be quenched as I watch this tyrant struggle."

With a nod of her head, she raced off to fetch a glass of red wine for him.

Dedede shook his chains viciously and made empty threats at his captor. Some consisting of his wearing Haltmann's face, others saying he would rip his heart out and force feed him it.

He raised a violet brow and stroked his mustache lovingly,"You think that a low life such as yourself could take me, the ruler of commercial empire, down with your filthy and bare paws? Absolutely impossible!"

The former King gave a snarl and barked,"I will take you down, whether it be me by myself or with my friends!"

"I'll leave you to drift into insanity in your cage, you filthy animal." Haltmann hissed, floating towards the door.

As it slammed closed, the last slither of light was cut off and he was in pure darkness. He couldn't see anything but the pitch black that filled his sight.

A pair of glowing white eyes emerged from nowhere and came closer towards him. Dedede ordered them to get back, but they wouldn't.

"Oh, what a pitiful situation you've landed yourself in." It whispered in a ghostly voice, as quiet as a mouse,"A former King fallen hostage to the king of a business empire. You will find my face the last one you will ever see before you perish. At the rate you are going, you will surely die here and will be forgotten by everybody you have ever known."

Throwing himself forwards, Dedede fell on his hands and knees before the Shadow Person. "Please, get me out of here! I don't want to die! I have so much left to do with my life!"

"I have no ability to impact or cheat your fate. I am but a viewer." It hissed.

Tears were falling down his blue face, he didn't want to die. He wanted to see his friends again, he wanted to see him again. He wanted to see him smile, hear him laugh, listen to him speak..he wasn't ready to sleep yet.

It put a cold hand on the iron bars of the cell. Dedede reached out to grab it, but it felt as cold as Haltmann's heart had become.

When he felt hope leave the room, the door opened to an ajar position. A small slither of light snaked into the room as the Shadow Person disappeared into thin air.

He heard a cough as a male voice whispered,"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

He distinctively recognized the voice, but it wasn't identifiable. When (Y/n) spoke to the person, it was obvious who it was who had came for him.

It was Astro and (Y/n).

The shadow of two puffballs covered the snake of light that had seeped through the opening.

(Y/n) was softly calling for Dedede, and he responded in a smaller voice than usual, fearing that Haltmann may find them.

"Okay, I've got a sword with me that can cut through metals. Just one sword beam should do it.." (Y/n) said to themself, raising the sword in the air and swinging it swiftly.

The sword beam they had produced managed to cut through the bars with ease, freeing the king of his prison. His gratitude for the two had increased tremendously.

But they were in the safe spot yet, they still had to escape the fortress.

With so many foreign hallways, it made it a more challenging task, but (Y/n) knew they would prevail. They room their chances and played their cards right, and they soon escaped and returned to Popstar.

{I know this isn't really related to the story but I am considering adding artwork when possible in the story. Probably 1 piece per two chapters maybe? Not sure yet. All of it would be drawn on a phone, so probably not the best art. Also, have a pic of Saffron.}


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