Chapter XXXIV - Netflix and Chill

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Becca's POV

"Well, you claim to be friends with Galacta, but is that actually the case?" Maddie asked, raising a brow as she thought,"I know we're friends with Morpho, Dark Meta and OG Meta, but are you really that close with Galacta?"

I wanted to say I was, but I don't really think so. Yes, I can remember calling a truce and all, but I don't remember directly saying we were friends. It was too late at night to burst into his room and claim that were the case, plus it sounded like a terrible idea as well.( I mean, imagine your friend comes in and is like,"Hey, I thought I would randomly tell you that I don't hate you!").

Yeah, it'd be real bizarre.

Casually, Maddie put the cheesecake away in the fridge for later. We said it was going to be for all our friends, but I guess we gave up on that thought. Besides, we haven't seen many of them up at night, aside from Meta who occasionally does nightly patrols. Since Galacta Knight and him have taken on this relationship, he's been a bit more laid back; good for him! During the war, he was so uptight and hardly had time to himself. Glad to see him improve.

I'm struggling for thought. Dedede gave me the bright idea to try and befriend Galacta. After all, the closer we all are, the better we'll fight together. And, it'll be one more person that he can speak with about any problems.

Anyway, enough of my thoughts. Swimming in my mind isn't the best way to spend my time. And, considering the entire Haltmann dilemma, I believe that my time is highly valuable and running out at a rapid pace.

For once in a while, I decide to relax with my sister and watch a film with her. Us Starstrucks hardly ever have the time for one another, as our name means justice and most of our time is spent trying to save people and correct wrongs of others. That's why Faye is a pilot: to try and correct the wrong of that terrorist. That's also why Saffron is overly protective when it comes to the town, it's in our blood to defend things we hold dear and things others hold dear.

As Maddie put on an episode of a TV show, the bright idea of hosting a movie night emerges from the back of my brain. Just like before, but without Dedede to interrupt and ruin it.

I turn my focus back to the flat screen TV and watch the show she put on.

Slowly, the shadowy, bony hand of a man emerged from behind the shower curtain. The young boy almost dropped his teddy bear in fear as he observed the slow motions of the man, and shook nervously and uncontrollably the entire time.

Once the man had gotten bored of taunting the boy, he withdrew his had and rose from the tub. All he could do was stare at the child, as he got a glare of his full appearance.

From first glance, he looked like a typical killer clown; with the outfit, wig and bloodied weapons. However, he was much more dangerous than his appearance let on.

When the kid turned to leave, he saw that the door had been barricaded with many dolls; their bodies had been melted down and stitched together in a form of nightmare-fueling board. The boy looked back at the clown to see he wasn't there, and so he stole a glance around the room.

What really frightened the kid was the mirror, or where it used to be. In the mirror's place was a form of stone tunnel with many wooden signs saying things such as 'Just a little further' or 'almost there'.

It was a mistake to enter, but it would be an even bigger mistake to stay. He looked back at his bathroom to find the floor had fallen through and he was near the centre of the Earth. A lake of lava emitted such a heatwave that his body sweat immensely.

The end of the tunnel was just as scary as before. Where he had ended up was a circus tent, an eery ominous circus tent. An acrobat's rope was stretched from one end of the room to another. There were no safety nets, and masses of blood below, indicating that one acrobat at least wasn't too successful in crossing.

He noticed that many rotting corpses, or so it seemed, filled the benches as a form of horrific audience. It was then that he cared to notice that his clothes looked like that of an acrobat's. The same clown from earlier was behind him,ushering him closer to the rope.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, we will have our acrobat cross the line. He's a novice, so don't expect too much of him." Their voice whispered in a ghostly tone.

Pressure set in as he clambered up the starting platform. He was almost certain that he would fall - it was undoubtedly his fate.

His legs gave a timid shake as he put a reluctant step forwards, onto the rope. At first, it looked completely fine. But, when he was mid way, he could feel the rope giving in with the weight being applied. It swung to a side, and he fell.

As he fell, he saw that he was then falling down what looked to be a hole. It was too dark to be sure where he was, and he was tired of all the odd things happening to him that evening.

It was then that he could feel the same heat rising. Lava was below him, and there was nothing he could do but brace himself for the pain that the burns would give him.

Just as his face touched the lava, we woke up in a straight jacket in a mental asylum. Was it all a terrible nightmare? At least it was finally over..

That was until he noticed how identical the doctor was.

And how much his doctor looked like the man from his dream.

"Woah, plot twist!" Maddie cried aloud, pointing at the screen,"Never expected it to all be a nightmare. Well, a hallucination."

"Yeah, sucks that it's over." I mumbled,"I was really enjoying that."

Maddie met my gaze and reassured me there would be a second season out soon,"Maybe we could watch it with the others? They love horror as much as we do!"

"Mhm! That's a great idea!" I chirped, turning the screen off. It was late at night and I told her to get some rest as we would certainly be needing it.

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