Chapter LVII - Arguing

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Staring towards the sky, (Y/n) found them self in a daze. 

They weren't sure what it was in the sky that caught their attention, but they couldn't allow their vision to stray away from the sky. Somehow, the clouds were mesmerising to watch, and even better to touch. Well, that's what they believed, at least. 

"Ay, what's a kid doing out here so late, Nonsurat?" Falspar asked him.

Sir Nonsurat looked at him as though he were quite pathetic," They're allowed to be outside. And, it's Lancelot, not Nonsurat."


Another morning swung on by and the King seemed to be as high-spirited as before. Servants filed through the doors, bringing through extravagant breakfast dishes for the King.

While he slurped down his cereal, he thought of what they should be doing that day. After the dilemma with Haltmann, he was too terrified to leave the castle alone. Hearing the news involving Galacta Knight, he was even more uncomfortable.

Once he'd finished his cereal, he saw one of his iconic servants walk through, wearing his signature blue bandana. His spear was held high above his head, the bottom tapping on the ground in sync to his footsteps. 

He'd never been possessed, and it made an enticing envy develop between them.  Bandana Waddle Dee was the only one out of the main four who hadn't been possessed, and the other two didn't mind, but Dedede did. 

Unfortunately, there wasn't any places he could buy something to each him his lesson, if he even wanted to. Well, he did want to but he'd moved on from his abusive behaviour. 

His servant greeted him with a smile, telling him that he was happy he'd recovered and that he would protect him from anything else that came for him. 

Something about his confidence made Dedede feel uncertain about that statement. It wasn't as though he had been there when Dedede had needed him the most, such as when he had been technologically manipulated.

"Uh...okay.." Dedede muttered, sounding as though someone had ruffled his feathers. 

Bandana Waddle Dee saluted him and squeaked," I promise I'll protect you, Sir. "

He didn't intend to, but he snapped at him," You and Meta Knight are supposed to protect me, but none of you ever do. You always fail at your jobs and you'll never protect me right." 

"B-But Sir...I-"

"I don't want you hiding behind your lousy excuses all the time. You and Meta Knight are paid for a reason, and you're failin' your jobs! What do I pay you for aside looking after my castle and lounging around in it?! D'you think it's funny for me to waste my money on yer' or somethin'?" He shouted, his accent strengthening at the end.  

"SIR! PLEASE, JUST CALM DOWN AND BE QUIET. DON'T TALK BADLY ABOUT MY IDOL, HE'S BEEN THROUGH TOO MUCH ALREADY!" The child cried aloud, mildly upset that he had heard the true opinion of himself from the King. 

Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes, as he started to cry. The King told him to cut it out, which only made the scene escalate. 

Both of the previously mechanized knights stepped through as the argument came into full swing. And, both of them consoled him, telling him that they would protect him from the King. 

When Dedede heard those words, empathy over washed him. Realizing that he was the one needing to be shielded off from them was a though that hurt his heart to think about. 

Kirby had been observing it even before they went further, and ended up running off with tears running down his face and a hand over his mouth. 

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