Chapter XCIV

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"So, that fetus rat is fighting them as we speak?" Necrodeus questioned, his eye sockets as empty as always. 


"Zero, can you assess the effectiveness of the combat?" He asked, raising a hand to itch his skull. 

"I-I'm afraid I can't, sir. The battle is on the roof of the building, meaning that Dark Nebula is unable to display the current events. We apologise for the inconvenience." Zero feared the wrath of Necrodeus, and was pleasantly surprised to find that he wasn't enraged by it. 

"That so-called perfect lifeform is nothing more than a fetal lab rat to me. I could crush it beneath my thumb, had I identified it as a threat to myself. It's nothing more than a coincidence that it assisted us in this plan, indirectly of course." He scoffed, a hint of envy in his voice," The more it tires them out the better, but I couldn't care any less if it got crushed." 

"Much like how you have no worries for our passing.." Zero mumbled under it's breath, if it even has breath. 

"I have no concern for the wellbeing of my insolent lackeys. However, those who are obedient have my concern." He responded, causing the inferior to shake. 


Kirby inhaled the truck and became Big-Rig Kirby. Galacta Knight fluttered at a steady pace to keep up with him. 

Speeding forwards, Kirby put all his force and determination into hitting Fecto Elfilis. Then, as he rammed forwards, he watched as it opened up wormholes into the depths of space. Two asteroids came hurling towards them, but he sped on forwards. He wasn't going to falter and he wasn't going to lose. Not this time, not ever. 

Elfilis contributed their power, giving Kirby the speed to hit Fecto Elfilis. 

That was where everything fell blank, void. 

Galacta was blinded, his vision was naught but black. He held on to Kirby tightly, worried he would lose the child. 


When they woke, they were met with the chaos of the scene. 

The raging winds cursed in their ears, screaming loudly.  Elfilis hovered forwards, desperate o help the situation to the best of their ability. 

"I know what I have to do to help." They whispered.

"Hey Kirby..thank you for everything..." were the last words that crept out of them. 

In a split second, the wormhole closed and Kirby was left, emotionally wounded. He lost the person he swore his protection to. 

Galacta looked around and saw the others around him. Meta Knight, Dedede, Bandana Waddle Dee, everyone who was sucked into the portal before. Everyone except..

"(Y/n)!" Astro cried. 

"What, is (Y/n) not here?" Dedede bellowed, tightening his underrobes. 


"Hello? Is there anyone there?" (Y/n) called, wandering around aimlessly. 

The forgotten lands were empty; not a soul had remained when the portal had opened and sucked everyone from the dimension. Now, just they stayed. 

They heard a voice from the shadows above them. 

"Awwa! Were you left behindd~!" The final syllable was held for longer than needed.  

"Hey, come out and fight me you coward!" (Y/n) boomed, drawing a sword from their sheathe. 

"Ahah! You remind me of your father. What a specimen!" She teased," But your puny sword is nothing to me. Your weapon may wound me physically, but the ability to regenerate in limited spaces of time counteracts your attack. Your energy would be wasted, ruining the motive overall. Is that something you want?"

"Shut up! Who are you, and what do you want?" They called, grip tightening on the hilt. 

"I'm someone who you should recognise by voice; we've encountered before and I hate to think you forgot me so soon. Ah, that would hurt me." She joked, making a faux hurt tone. 

(Y/n) heard a chuckle from behind, and glanced over there. There was no reaction time for them to counteract the blow that was dealt to their dominant hand. The blade was knocked to the ground, and something knocked them down shortly after. 

Bonnie dropped from the trees, grabbed them by the collar and sternly murmured," Listen to me and listen to me closely; I don't have much time to supply you the correct explanation that you deserve so this will make do for the time being. They are after you, (Y/n); they want to make a weapon out of you so you can harm the others. So, whatever you do, you hide away from them. Them being the dark matter beings that are seeking you out as we speak. If they find you, they will possess you or break you to fit their liking. Do not give up, whatever you do. As pathetically optimistic as this sounds, try as you might to ward off negative emotions, as they can sense those and feast off of them. Best of luck to you." 

Afterward, she sprung back into the shadows, not to be seen again. 

Too many questions had been left unanswered, too many for comfort. They had been told they were being hunted for their power and they couldn't feel bad about it for fear of them being able to track them down faster. They didn't even know how or why them specifically, but they knew they were at risk. Bonnie made no mention of the others, and (Y/n) didn't quite care for the others at that moment. This was about them specifically, and they knew it was a dire situation to be in, especially without any assistance for any of their allies. 

Sitting down beneath the calming shade of a palm tree, they clenches their fists and let their thoughts run wild. How were they supposed to remain calm in a situation like this? And, why were they left behind? Did nobody care enough to get them through the portal? Or, was it a scheme to rid Dreamland of their not-so-beloved (Y/n). 

They didn't know, and they didn't want to know. At that point, they just wanted someone to comfort them and tell them that safety was around the corner, or that it was a massive lie. 

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