Chapter IL - That special someone

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I got this part out asap because there was a bit of a cliffhanger. Sorry for leaving you like that, (Y/n)

Becca, Dark Meta, Maddie and Kirby eventually had gotten bored of the hilarious antics and decided to watch some TV. Horror films were out of the picture, as there weren't any good ones available. Somehow, the conversation turned to love films, which Dark Meta inevitably cringed at. Love movies weren't something he wanted to watch, as they were mostly cringe- inducing and it took him much strength to not leave the room when one was on. However, they knew of that and knew of something else. 

In the end, they decided to put one on called Si, Mi Amor . The title alone was enough to make him wander off and turn his attention to anything else. To him, it felt as if every love film had Spanish in it, whether it be the actors speaking it or the movie title being in it. "Nova, do we have to watch a shitty love story?" he huffed.

"Either we watch that or we talk about what's going on?" Becca offered, with Dark Meta immediately agreeing to speak about what was going on. He didn't realize they meant with himself and Morpho Knight. 

Maddie gave a smirk the second he agreed to speak about himself and Morpho," So then, loverboy, you taking it any further or we staying at this peak awkwardness or pushing that tension aside and going for it..?"

Kirby had no idea what was inferred and left to go to the kitchen to avoid "Adult talk".

Her sister couldn't help but smirk as well," Or was he just a fling? Hmmm?"

The Knight seemed to shrink back in embarrassment the second that that was brought up. He didn't want to admit to his friends that he felt that way, but they wouldn't quit pestering him if he did otherwise," Yes, I feel that way towards him but we don't need that sort of talk now, do we?"

Both of the girls immediately started snickering the second he admitted his feelings, as they knew it was coming. When they realized it was him who admitted, they slowly drew their laughing to a close and stared at one another, blinking idly. 

"Wait..Dark Meta in love..?" Maddie gasped, looking Becca in the eyes. 

"Oh..O-Oh. Yes! This'll be exciting!" Becca grinned, looking back at her sister whilst she rubbed her hands together. She looked back at the confused warrior and smiled reassuringly," No worries, we'll help you." 

He couldn't help but feel like he had just stumbled into a huge mess, as trusting them at the time felt like a suicide. Oh well, he had nothing to lose and quite a bit to gain, so maybe the gamble was worth a shot. 

Becca glanced at Maddie again, and the gaze was returned. 

"I think this calls for..."

"A movie night!" Maddie called, finishing Becca's sentence as intended. 

The swordsman could only look at them as though they were crazy, until they further explained themselves. They told him that couples often watched movies together, as it would be a fun experience. 

For a stoic, edgelord, he got nervous easily. Seeing him nervous was something they had never seen before, as he was always loud, overconfident and proud. Now he was quiet, unsure and hesitant. 

When he realized that they saw him like that, he wasn't too sure about the whole plan. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He hissed, his voice uncharacteristically soft and shaky. 

"Look, it's the best way to go about it. That, or taking him out to dinner. Your choice." Becca sighed, shrugging. She knew that he would prefer to watch a movie over going out to dinner," Or a carnival, if those circus freaks are up to it, of course."

"I'd prefer to watch a horror movie, and have him cower in my arms at the most detailed and goriest part." He snickered, gaining back the more confident and demanding tone in his voice," Eugh, I sound like a badly-written romance novel."

Maddie had to agree," Too corny. It doesn't sound like your usual tone of voice. And, just know, don't change for him. If he doesn't like you for who you are then don't change for him." 


(Y/n) threw their arms around the knight," Aww, you'll find your special someone. If there's anyone at the castle or in the town that you like, then just tell me." 

His eyes widened the second they said that, and he snickered nervously," No, there's nobody I like in particular. I value all my friends the same, and there's none I prefer over-"

"It's Dark Meta Knight, isn't it?"

"Uh..yeah it is." He mumbled, a blush coating his face," I knew it was too obvious.." 

(Y/n) firmly placed their hands on his shoulders yet again, and then looked him in the eyes and said," Don't be shy about it, you should tell him. It's clear you have more chemistry than you like to let on, and you know it. I'm certain he likes you back." 

He fumbled with his gloves aimlessly, diverting his view to the sky. It was undoubted by everyone that they were very close, but he wasn't sure if Dark Meta Knight saw him in that light as well. What if everything went wrong? What if he hated him after that?

He could see it going down..

"Meta, I-I think I may like you a bit more than I let on. I..I don't know if you feel the same way, but-"

" Morpho, I don't like you that way. We're friends, and nothing more than that. I don't care about your feelings, and I don't wanna be your lover."

He felt his heart crushing in his own chest as the knight walked away, his cape flaring out behind him. He..had nothing left. 

When (Y/n) wrapped their arms around him again, he was pulled back into reality. The water fluid falling down his face turned out to be tears, and he couldn't stop them from falling. "I-I'm only going to be shoved aside! He doesn't see me that way and I know it! He doesn't love me like I  love him!" He wept bitterly.

"Morpho..that's not true. Don't say that, because it's false, and you know that." (Y/n) muttered, patting him on the back to comfort him.

Some had recorded their conversation. And, that someone scurried down the hallway and burst into Maddie's room with more force than they intended. 

"Maddie! Becca! Dark Meta! I just caught something on tape! And, I think it's something you'll wanna see!" Saffron shouted, waving her hand in the air to get their attention. 

Maddie was sat on the sofa on a rose gold pc, tapping away at the keys. "Saffron, if you show us a spider on a roll of tape again, then I'm done with you."

"What the-? No, it's something you may wanna hear. It proves your theory about them..." She smirked, drawing her screenlock pattern on her phone. 

Saffron wore a smile on her face as she opened up the gallery app. The video was exactly as she left it, and she showed it to Maddie. Maddie watched it with concern for her sister, as it showed her walking through the halls. Her sister proceeded to climb up the walls of the castle after she had clambered out of the glassless window. It then showed how Morpho was pouring his heart out to (Y/n). 

Maddie raised an eyebrow at it, and listened closely to the rather quiet audio. Once it finished she called through to Becca and Dark Meta and they watched it too. 

"Well, my dears, I believe we may have a mission to do. Who's with me?" Maddie asked, looking at the three with a smile plastered on her face. 

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