Chapter LXXI - Return of a friend

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That's what (Y/n) heard as the car came to a forced stop. The force of it shook the two younger ones awake and, with widening eyes, they drank in the sight before them. Kirby practically jumped for joy at the sight of their old ally, but he had no clue as to who his accomplice was, not that it seemed to matter to him anyway. 

Swinging her hips from side to side, the blondie approached the car in a 'mean girl' manner, keeping her narrowed eyes locked on them to freeze them in place. They could hear the click of her boots as she fiercely stepped forwards and came towards the driver's window. Bonnie expected it to be a simple inspection, since they had a gangster sort of appearance, but instead she smashed her fist against the window, breaking it apart in the centre and sending cracks through the rest of the pane. Inserting her gun through the hole, she ordered that they got out without any second thought and did exactly what she said, or else their head would be stuffed with lead. 

Raising her hands up, Bonnie got out of the car and the other watched as the stranger slammed her head against the car by grabbing her neck and thrusting it downwards. Dedede kept his eyes on it as best as he could, but even after all of the bloodshed he still didn't find any of it pleasant. 

"Hey, De, get the others out of the car, I think they're a bunch o' newbies." She commanded, shouting over to him in a stern voice. 

What he did was halfway between a bow and a salute, possibly because even he felt intimidated by her, and then ripped the door open. At the sight of his friends, his eyes widened and he withdrew himself from the vehicle, anxiously sweating. 

"Uh, boss, I think there's nothing to worry about.." The troubled penguin answered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 

The look that the girl was giving him was enough to freeze a person solid, which obviously meant he was used to receiving it because he didn't freeze as badly. Turning her head to face him, she hissed," How can we be so certain these ain't 'nymore o' those government spies? 'F anythin', they look like a load o' aliens." 

He didn't know how to explain in a swaying way, but he did it in a way that made his main points," I've known these people for years, actually. They're friends of mine from ages ago." 

The icy glare that she gave (Y/n) made winter feel like a spring breeze, and they gulped in fear. Thankfully, her eyes wandered from them to her accomplice," 'ow can you be so sure then? I mean, I ain't sayin' you're wrong or anythin', just that I can't be so sure." 

"Believe me, I know all of these people." He bluffed," And I know that they're all great when you get to know 'em!"

Tapping her foot impatiently, she glared over at him before huffing and rolling her eyes," Y'know, I can't exactly tell whether or not I should trust you, De. I know that you're trustworthy and all, and you've 'elped me so much over these past years, but how can I tell?"

Exchanging a worried glance with (Y/n) and Bonnie, he nodded slightly, turned back to her and whispered something to her, confirming their friendship.

"Alrighty then, so you ain't any o' those spies that're 'eading around the city. Best 'ead back to our lil' base o' ours, shall we?" She smirked, elbowing Dedede in the side. 

"How are we supposed to get all the way to our base, though?" Dedede asked.

The flickering of red and blue cascaded through the horizon, causing the blondie to hop on top of the car and push Dedede inside of the vehicle. Both of the children in the backseat squished together as he sat inside. 

Producing a sniper rifle from behind her bag, she knelt on the top of the car, facing the police cars that followed them. 

The 'cops' that followed looked to be robotic, and didn't blink. Bonnie slammed her foot down onto the pedal and they heard the tyres screech again, leaving dust in their path. 

They heard her shooting at the cops and, when they saw the cop car swerve onto the pavement, they knew she was going to be one hell of a person to be around.

Driving slowly down the street they'd just came down, the woman on top pointed over to the building that they had admired on their previous trip down. The building stood tall in front of them. Parking the car, Bonnie realised that it was familiar to them. 

Sliding off of the roof, she flipped off of the bonnet of the car and landed firmly on two feet in the very centre of the doorway. By that time, she had tucked her firearms back where she had them stored on her person, which was out of view. To them, it was an endless wonder of how many other weapons she had on her. 

Drawing a lighter, she lit a cigarette and held it between her index and middle finger, inhaling the smoke and blowing clouds out of her nostrils. The others got out of the car and Dedede followed them closely and they resisted the urge to ask him of how he ended up in the situation he was in. 

Opening the door for them, the blondie kept an unsettling eye on them and walked in last after she had flicked her fag ash onto the road. 


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