Chapter VIII - Chatter

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"B-But why on Popstar would he leave??" Becca gasped, allowing the neat note to drift out her hand and onto the wooden flooring below.

Faye gave an unknowing shrug and straightened her navy tie. "I'm not one for giving away answers of which not even I know."

The white haired human shook her head in disbelief and placed her hands on her hips as she attempted to think of any reason he would have to leave.

Faye's view fell on the letter that sat below them. The handwriting was familiar to her, but she couldn't place her finger on it. Scanning through the cursive writing, she concluded it had not lead her closer to finding out the reason for his absence.

"Hey, what time is it Faye?" Becca piped up, curiosity off of the situation at hand.

The pilot dug a soft hand through her breast pocket and produced a pocket watch from the depths. Flipping it open, she told her the time.

"Alright, the time currently is ten past three." Faye rhymed.

Colour washed Becca's face and she became embarrassed,"I was supposed to be meeting with Morpho in Whispy Woods! Oh dear Nova, I'm late!"

Without a second to spare, she scurried out the castle and sprinted off to Whispy Woods.

Faye decided to stalk her, using the shadows as a cover. She didn't suspect her sister of anything, but she was interested in her daily routine.

When Becca found Morpho, he was with the others and was engaged in a confidential and important conversation.

"Maybe it is the fact that you called him crazy and made him feel as though he wasn't fit to stay." Morpho Knight reasoned, getting an agreeing nod from (Y/n) alone.

In a usual cocky tone, Tiff remarked,"That's impossible. It's not as if he would get offended that easily. He's a warrior of great power and potential, he wouldn't get so frustrated by one single sentence."

"Oh Tiff, can I tell you something?" Maddie asked.

"Oh, uh sure."

With a sly smirk in her face, Maddie said,"Well, your hair looks rather awful today and I prefer your brother over you; he's much more interesting and fun to be around as he doesn't allow much to get under his skin."

Tiff blushed in embarrassment and returned the favour with a hateful glare.

"What? I was proving you can offend someone with only one sentence!" Maddie argued.

"Maddie, no need to be so hostile about it. We understand Morpho's logic but we think it doesn't make sense and doesn't apply to Galacta." Tiff frowned.

Glaring at Tiff, Becca made it clear she protested against the bold statement she had made. However, she kept quiet about it until Tiff made her speak up. "Look, Tiffany Ebrum, that's bullshit! No matter how strong someone is, they can still break down. Galacta Knight isn't stoic, and is entitled to feelings too!"

The group stared at her as she shrank back in fear of them proving her wrong.

"What I meant to say.." Becca mumbled, her hands now behind her back,"Was that he has emotions too, and he's a person. Like the rest of us."

A silence filled the atmosphere, thickening it drastically. Tension seemed to rise rapidly in the space of three minutes as they stayed quiet.

"She's right, we're allowed to express emotion. Just because most quote on quote 'heroes' do, doesn't mean we have to follow the sterotype." (Y/n) smiled, trying to liven up the mood.

"That's right, it's not as if anything can change that!" Bandana Waddle Dee chirped.

Morpho Knight put a hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder and gave them a pleasant smile, one which they returned gratefully.


"So, sir, is there anything else I should check with the mech? Y'know, such as faulty circuits, exposed wiring, broken buttons or damaged plates?" Lillian asked him, hoping it was a no.

"Uh, it's sire to you! And, no, because I am an experienced and professional mechamadoodle developer." He proudly boasted, despite being the contrary.

She could barely hold back a snicker, but decided to continue polishing the exterior of the mech.

For a few minutes, Lillian said nothing at all and only the squeak of the polish could be heard.

When her eyes were drawn off of the mech, she noticed a picture of President Haltmann and a girl with magenta hair and an oceanic shade for her eyes. Like him, she was a Haltonian and had levitating hands, detached from her body.

'Happy Father's Day!
Lots of love from your duaghter Susie.'

She picked up the frame in her right hand and admired it. It was more than obvious that it was hand made, as the frame wasn't perfect, but it gave it a heartwarming feel to it.

A small drawing of the two figures in the picture were at the bottom of the frame, looking up at the sketched stars in wonder.

A small plaque at the bottom had a message, with the word daughter misspelled.

"This is..his..daughter..?" Lillian muttered to herself in wonder,"Where is she now..?"

Haltmann walked in the room as she carefully placed the tech work down where she'd found it. He hurried over to her and asked what she was doing, only for her to return a question.

" daughter..? That's..none of your business..!" President Haltmann snapped, grabbing the frame in his own two hands.

He stared at the picture, reminiscing memories of when he and Susie had been a perfect family. How he missed her..

She was the best daughter he could've wished for; Intelligent, tech savvy, gorgeous, caring, polite and determined to get whatever work she had done.

He floated over to his desk and rested his head in his hands, losing Susie was something that he would never get over and he knew it.

Tears streamed down his face as he sobbed quietly to himself.

Lillian wandered over to him and rested a hand on his shoulder,"We'll find her, bud, I promise."

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