Chapter XXVII - Peaceful

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The navy puffball awoke in an empty bed once again. It seemed that Galacta Knight had taken on the habit he had of leaving early. Snickering to himself light-heartedly, Meta Knight got out of bed and went off to train Kirby.

On his way he heard the sobbing of the king as he passed the throne room. Whatever it was he was crying about surely would be uninteresting and pathetic, so it would be a waste to investigate.

As the knight continued down the hallways, King Dedede's crying began to fade to a silence. Nobody had bothered to console him, so he only continued.

When he reached Kirby's house, he knocked on the door several times and waited for the puffball to answer. For several minutes, he stood still and patiently waited. He knew Kirby could be a heavy sleeper but it was just irritating when he knocked on the door again to receive no response.

The curtains were drawn close and only a small crack of light seeped through them. There was no telling whether or not Kirby was truly inside his house, or if he had left already.


(Y/n) sliced the air thin with their delicate wings. The feeling of the wind against their face was truly amazing, a feeling they hadn't felt until then.

As they flew, they thought how many of their friends could also fly.

I know Morpho can, so can Galacta and Meta. Kirby can float, Bandana Waddle Dee can spin his spear..Becca can too. Maddie can't, I don't think..Saffron..I don't really know her. Oh, Astro can fly too. They thought.

Kirby had caught sight of (Y/n) flying and flew after them, trying to catch up so they could ask where the wings came from.

"Oh, I went through the winging last night. It was really painful, but now I have these beauties!" (Y/n) exclaimed, gesturing to their wings.

He felt rather envious that he was now the only puffball without any wings. (Y/n) was the only one who didn't have wings and now they did.

Muttering under his breath, Kirby said,"Yeah, right. Beautiful."

(Y/n) didn't hear him, as they were too busy soaring through the sky, beaming all the while.

Kirby's mentor eventually found him and lead him off to train, however he refused. He shouted,"It's not fair how (Y/n) gets wings and I don't! It's ridiculous! I've done much more than they ever will!"

"Kirby, you'll get wings when the time comes. For now, you'll have to wait." Meta Knight told him, expecting him to understand.

But instead of understanding, it only made him claim the world was against him. He ran off in a stroppy mood to whoknowswhere, leaving the two of them behind.

Facepalming, (Y/n) sighed audibly and looked at the warrior as if he would know what to do. Neither of them could formulate a good plan, aside from allowing the agitated puffball time to cool off.

In the meantime, (Y/n) decided to resume flying, with the company of the mysterious swordsman.

Morpho admired (Y/n) from afar, truly entranced by how fast they had learnt.


Becca and Maddie had decided to leave the speaker inside Becca's bedroom, as it was difficult to haul it around. To compromise for the music, they chose to make a cheesecake by using the recipe that Astro had given them.

Half an hour of hysterical laughter and humorous jokes later, and they had finished the base and the toppings and it was ready to be refrigerated.

Its appearance was marvellous, with several layers of chocolate mousse, topped with chocolate curls and a sweet ,chocolate sauce.

Admiring the product of their labour, Maddie grinned,"I think it'd be a good supper, yeah?"

Becca nodded slightly and a broad smile crossed her face. "I think we'd best get to doing what we usually do. I promise Saffy that I'd meet her in the woods."

She raised an eyebrow at Becca before cockily mumbling,"Ah, of course you'd want us to go out separate ways. Eh, I had to meet with DMK sooner or later. He's such a big softie when you break off that harder layer."

It was Becca's turn to display a look of surprise after hearing what Maddie had to say. She'd expected him to turn out to be something of the sort, as it was.

And so they went off to the places they were meeting with them.

Saffron was leaned up against the trunk of a tree while waiting for her sister to arrive. She wanted to get to know her better, so she'd arranged a small meetup. To try and surprise Becca, she had switched her mask to her older ones; a mask with two X's for the eyehole with a form of pen streaming down it. For the bottom part, she had a stitched closed mouth with more of the black pen. That day she wore a bright pink shirt with black straps, for no reason at all. In true, brutal honesty she was a fanatic for the colour pink.

The human noticed that someone was..dead on the floor? They looked like they weren't moving, so she approached them and checked to make sure they were alive.

It was just Galacta Knight. After staying awake all night with (Y/n) during the winging, he'd became exhausted and ended up falling asleep near the outskirts of Whispy Woods.

Being the sort of person she was, she lifted him up and carried him in her arms to his room. All the while, he was still fast asleep.

He was comfortable in her arms, and his wings brushed again her upper arm

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He was comfortable in her arms, and his wings brushed again her upper arm. She tucked him into bed and left him be after drawing the curtains closed.

After she'd closed the door behind her, she went all the way back to Whispy Woods to meet with Becca.

The two had a walk together and pondered aloud about what they thought would happen.

They wouldn't have been so open if they knew a traitor was among them, listening to their conversation.

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