Chapter LV - Opening up

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The walk back to her room was filled with a disturbingly ominous silence, setting an atmosphere thicker than yoghurt. She couldn't tell if she was feeling shameful or sorrowful after her encounter with the warrior, as she meant to make him feel better. 


Moonlight cut through the cracks in the castle, filtering through the windows and illuminating the empty hallways. 

His armoured footsteps echoed off the thick walls, almost able to awaken anyone from their light slumber. To say he didn't care was an understatement, he was boiling with rage. The fact that Haltmann had dared to play the same card as his daughter and able to make it work made him feel as though he were at fault. It had happened twice was pitiful enough to make him lose sleep. With the added bonus that he scarcely slept, really added the fuel to the fire. Nobody had seen his anger before, aside from the haunting glow of crimson eyes, masked by metal. Even that was enough to creep someone out, and that was only his anger when he wasn't using physical violence. 

From what many had heard, physical violence was quite powerful when under the influence of pure hatred and anger. Usually, he didn't condone such behaviour and calmed his nerves by reading or taking walks and perhaps even giving his mentee an additional lesson. He'd never resorted to any remedy involving violence as he it was his preference to be as passive as possible. That was when people weren't around, though. 

It was midnight, with not a soul in sight and only the moon and stars as silent company. They sat above him, watching him as though he were pathetic in comparison to them, like a judge and jury turning their nose up at a criminal in court. 

Then again, Galaxia was a holy sword. If she saw him resorting to destruction as a source of stress relief, it was more than certain the sword would say something in response, something only he could hear. 

Temptation drew him in seductively, offering him wondrous things and making him think such thoughts that he'd always shook off. He'd always been a good guy, but nobody ever saw it. They only saw him as a stoic, heartless fighting machine with no interests besides combat, sword fights and secrecy. If they caught him, they would undoubtedly believe their assumptions to be true. But they didn't care for him anyway, so what would be the point of pleasing people who were constantly belittling you for every mistake and judging you endlessly, ignorant to your success and pretending that they were more accomplished than him? 

Besides, he would never cause severe damage. All he wanted to do was release some of the demons tormenting his mind, perhaps on a barren field, unoccupied by mindless sheep. Even all of those were asleep, too. 

It was only a taste of the new strategy, and if the aftertaste was dislikeable then he wouldn't do it again. 

Grabbing the hilt of Galaxia, the swordsman watched as the sword phased into existence with a blinding flash of heavenly, golden light. The ruby embedded into the hilt shone in the radiance, making the crystal have an orangey tone. With the sword now unsheathed, he couldn't help but give in to the temptations, something Galacta Knight had always told him to never do. 

A sword beam emerged from the blade, cutting through the grass and the mud below. It left a shallow ditch where it had ran, marking just how badly he needed to let it out. A couple more wouldn't have hurt, only financially for the owner of the field. 

Following several more sword beams, he felt as though the effect wore off and was in need of something more destructive, but what? 

As he pondered, a light breeze kicked up, making his Dimensional cape flicker and flow in the wind. While he thought, the need for destruction melted into guilt for the mess made. The land in Cappy Town wasn't exactly expensive in comparison to his pay check, but the measly amount the Cappies made were nothing. The differentiation between the two was obvious, and it was like a pauper and a prince. 

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