Chapter XLI - Culprit

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Hardly able to prevent herself, Bonnie began to laugh at how they had ignored her presence. Surely they would've been able to notice her, as she was on top of the building.

Kirby managed to catch a glance of her, before she melted into a puddle of dark matter.

Tugging at his mentor's cape, he pointed back at the establishment they had exited and muttered,"I saw someone on the roof. I think it was them."

The warrior immediately scanned the area that Kirby pointed at, failing to spot her. All the while, she laughed at them.

"I suppose it wouldn't be fair if I continued this. It's not fair on them, I guess."

So, with a smirk plastered across her face, she threw herself over the edge of the roof and shifted forms to look like Kirby. Then, while his mentor wasn't looking, Bonnie shoved him into the alley next to Kawasaki's restaurant and then posed as him.

Resting a hand on his shoulder, Bonnie forged a signature smile. "Yeah, she's right here."

The warrior drew his sword at the sight of an imposter, to which she held in her nubby hand. Galaxia's sharp blade pierced through layers of her skin and the dark matter bled through.

Her eyes faded to a hellish purple and her smile widened. Kirby had managed to pick himself up off the floor and made his way back to his mentor. At the sight of his clone, he shrieked in shock.

"I suppose you have the right to be confused, it's a part of every creatures'  nature." Bonnie smirked, copying Kirby's voice,"I was the freak who was terrorising this low, trashy town. What is it that you desire to inquire from me, fair borb?"

Shifting back into her form, she towered above them. She awaited an answer from the stunned duo, or a question.

"Why did you terrorise our town?" The Spaniard asked, once he had gotten the courage to.

She paid little to no attention, staring off into the distance at the fruits of her labour. "I did it for you. Not you individually, but you and your kind. It was a necessity, to avenge the name of your kind after it had wrongfully been drowned by rumors and opinions. Why, do you feel as though I have a personal vendetta against these people of which I have never met?"

Their reactions were just as she had expected; they were in disbelief and wondering why she would do such a thing.

Rolling her eyes, she muttered,"I thought someone with such a high IQ would understand what point I mean to make. Well, I did it for my sisters so they wouldn't have the guilt on their conscience. And they did it for you, or they would've done if I hadn't kindly stepped in. "

The two were quite stunned to find that she had done it to prove a point. What they didn't understand was that she'd done it to clear their names after the gossip and rumors. Especially since they'd ignored her request first, last and only visit to the asylum she stayed in.

That was why it was so confusing..

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