Chapter LXXII - Phone calls

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Her head rested on the bar as she awoke to the excruciating pains of an awful hangover headache. Blur filled her vision and it took Tay a moment to gather all of her thoughts together.

"Why is it.." She took a brief pause to yawn and stretch," ..always me who gets the aftermath the worst?"

Slamming her fists down on the bar top, she ended up cracking it slightly. Sometimes she let it get the best of her, but she put every effort in the world into trying to contain those supressed feelings of hatred and anger. 

Picking up her phone, she called somebody, while I listened carefully to their loud chatter. For the most part, it was no more than useless babble, consisting of the usual,' How are you?'s and other small talk sentences. 

When the conversation dropped to their latest plan, that was the moment that I paid more attention to whatever it was she was saying. 

"No, I don't think they'll be of any issue...No, Nate, I promise we'll get everything done ASAP." She grinned, reflecting her expression in the last half of her words. 

Whatever they were saying on the other line was pure mumble, inaudible, indecipherable, even. All of the words that were being spoken were words, just ones that didn't solve the purpose that they were meant to. I couldn't tell if it was something good or not, because every possible expression flashed across her face at once, and I had no idea what to make of any of it. 

An identifiable change was the crack that snaked down the front of the bar, showing several crumbs of the brick that it composed of, a contrast to the wooden layer that coated the outside. Perhaps brick simply wasn't what she was going for, or maybe it was the fact that there was something inside of the brick that she didn't want finding, therefore setting the illusion that-

I got off track, didn't I? I keep reading between the lines, acting as if something more exciting is happening right now but its all average life, honestly. I know that it's probably a normal phone call, but I can't help but hype up everything in hopes that something more exciting will happen. 

That was until the phone conversation changed again, to a topic that strung me up with curiosity. 

I watched her glossy lips carefully, as she lowered her voice to a quieter volume to discreetly speak to whoever it was that she was speaking to," Look, I don't mean to be rude or anythin', but having the bar to myself is nice, and I think that the chances of us all getting caught would be incredibly low, yeah?" 

A mumble of response came from the other line, and I heard the word 'yes' slip through, in a tone that was terribly deflated. It was like a child getting their balloon popped. 

"I'm worried 'bout the fact that those cops might've caught on to me. One of 'em tried to pull me over in the streets, followed me home, came inside the bar and I shot their head to pieces! You shoulda heard the sound of that crackling electricity, so satisfactory! Oh, right.." 

Her voice kept sounding even more enthusiastic with each word until it reached a point that I believed it couldn't anymore, yet it did, to my surprise.

"Look, tomorrow we're busting the place but I'm taking these peeps around town to get a feel for this city and resent it as much as I do. Believe me, they already know who it is we're against and they hate 'em too."

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