Chapter XXX - A day of peace?

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"An what exactly do you propose we do about that then? If they're not willing to submit themselves to them, then what precisely will they do instead? Their puny weapons have no effect in comparison to the mighty power of their combined foes." One said.

Alice rested a hand on the their shoulder,"I don't think they're ready to know yet. Considering the fact that they're struggling to fend off Haltmann, we may be lacking the required power necessary."

He put a hand on his chin, deep in thought and muttered,"Well then, I suppose we may have met with a problem."

Astro was observing the younger ones of the village as they jumped rope together. Fololo and Falala held a side each and swung it at a steady pace as they took it in turns to run in and jump over it ten times before running out of it again.

Tiff was sat besides them, reading a book on marine biology as the others encouraged her to get up and play with them. Being the oldest in the group, she didn't want to join in as she knew that they would try leading her astray and making her cause trouble.

Once they had gotten bored of jumping rope, they decided to scavenge for bugs to out in jars and study. Even Tiff decided to get involved, and went as far as naming the species of the critters they discovered.

In a calm tone, Astro approached them and inquired about the activity they were doing. Tiff greeted her with a smile and said,"Oh, hello! We were just catching bugs in nets. Well, I wasn't but they were."

"Classical Tiff." Astro laughed, heartily,"Don't be ashamed of the activities you're doing. As long as you're having fun and no harm is done, then you're fine."

Tuff smirked and snickered,"Yeah Tiff, you don't have to be as boring as everyone else."

It wasn't long before they had gotten bored of the inspirational chat, so they got back to their activity as Astro wandered off into Whispy Woods.

I've..I've not seen (Y/n) or any of the knights all there something wrong..? She thought, as she paced through the forest.

Pulling out her phone, she checked the time.


Ah, of course the day was still young.

As she stared up at the sky, she didn't notice the butterfly behind her.

"Have you not heard the news?" Morpho questioned, startling Astro.

Being able to switch forms from butterfly to puffball was something that he used as a prank.

She raised her brow below her mask,"What? What news? Is that why there's none of the knights around? Did Dedede do something?"

"Eh, not exactly. It was the work of Haltmann, not Dedede. Let's just say one of the knights is in a situation..less than ideal." Morpho frowned.

The words stuck with Astro, seemingly echoing in her mind.

Less than ideal?

Were...they dead..?

No, surely not.

Or, maybe.

Away in the Galaxy (Kirby Fanfiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat