Chapter XXXVI - Run in

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"Are you alright?" was the question that Maddie asked as they walked down the hallway.

"I'm perfectly fine. There's nothing wrong with me." He muttered, sounding as though he didn't want to be heard.

Glaring at him, she made it clear that she knew something was up, but she knew it wouldn't be easy to find out what the problem was. Him and Morpho hadn't been so close recently, but that was because he DMK was always pushing him away. That was his usual behaviour, though, so nothing out of the ordinary.

Maddie decided to mention their relationship, and was stunned to find that there was nothing wrong between them.

When Maddie had walked him back to his room, she waited outside to see what he said. From what she could hear, he was apparently crying.

As sympathetic as she felt, she knew it would be intruding on his privacy.

So, she returned to the room that her and Becca stayed in and decided not to bring up his change in behaviour.

The second she opened the door, she was met with the passive aggressive glare of Becca. Yes, her older sister was stood in the doorway with her arms folded and her eyes narrowed. "So, what's my little sis doin' out so late for, hmm?" She said in a joking tone.

In a sarcastic way, Maddie chuckled at Becca's question. It wasn't exactly something that would be humiliating to speak of, but she knew that it would be best to keep quiet.

"Heh, just walked the edgy guy back to his room, nothing much." She chuckled,"Funny how many good conversations you can get outta him. When, of course, he's in the right mood to do so."


Calmly, Saffron wandered down the empty and repetitive streets of Cappy Town. Shadows had grown to tower above her, as the moon began to take its place in the sky.

A glimmer of gold caught her attention, and her survival instincts kicked in.

Pulling her grapple hook out of her pocket, she shot the grapple upwards and she swiftly avoided the claw of Haltmann's mech. Using the grapple, she swung herself forwards and kicked him out of the control seat.

He laid on the floor in a heap, as Saffron stood above him with her crowbar pointed at his skull.

In a low, creepy voice she whispered,"If you dare move without my consent then this crowbar will go through the back of your skull and through your eye socket. Now, what are you doing here?!"

The Haltonian lowered his head in shame and raised his hands in a truce. Saffron didn't care for his actions and thrusted the crowbar closer to his head. Whimpering slightly, Haltmann found it difficult to regain his cool and he could hardly hold back from shaking vigorously in fear.

Believing she had the situation under control allowed her to let her guard down. That was why Dedede managed to floor her, or get so close to doing so.

He swung his metalised mallet at her ankles, and she jumped over it. She tried to swing her crowbar at him, and he blocked it with his weapon. Haltmann tried weakly punching her, but she broke his wrist with a swing.

Haltmann dropped to the floor in agony, holding his wrist tenderly. Dedede was enraged by the damage done to his partner in crime and pelted Gordos at her. In a light-hearted manner, she batted them away as though they were tennis balls.

Once she'd tired of whacking away his projectiles, she roundhouse kicked him in the chest before throwing a mean left hook at him, finishing him off. His body dropped to the floor so forcefully that it caused cracks in the pavement.

Resting a foot on his chest, Saffron made it almost obvious that she emerged victorious from their brawl. Just to rub it in, she clapped her hands together slowly and sarcastically.

All they could do was groan in agony as they laid in pain on the floor. What was even more painful was how embarrassing their failed ambush turned out to be.

Saffron decided to start the interrogation the second she considered it necessary. So, with her baseball bat facing Dedede and her crowbar facing Haltmann, she asked,"What business do you have with me?"

In a small voice, Dedede uttered,"We..We were looking for Lillian after she escaped Haltmann. She was supposed to attack you but ended up disappearing so we had to fill in. You are a lot stronger than you look."

Giving a small cackle, she assured them that she already knew how deceiving her appearance were. "I get that but why would you go after me? Surely you would want them all out of the way?"

"Well, the gas we have is much weaker when applied to humans..or whatever it is you are. You're a concoction of..something I'm not entirely familiarised with. That is besides the point though. The point is, you're bodies are capable of blocking out the effects of the gas, no matter how large the quantity. In other words, it is ineffective and is hardly useful on my behalf." Haltmann pointed out, babbling.

"Right, okay. I didn't need you to reiterate whatever it was you were saying. I already got the point." She groaned, withdrawing her weapons,"Seeing as I am the enforcer of the law, here in Cappy Town, I am hereby arresting you for breaching the peace, breaking and entering, attempted assault and because I don't like you."

Producing two pairs of handcuffs from her back pocket, she arrested the two of them as they complained about how unfair her last point was. Her response was,"I don't care. I am the law."

Since there was only Chief Bookem's police station in town, the two of them shared a cell.

Saffron was fairly pleased with her work and she gave herself a pat on the back.

(Y/n) had been watching Saffron, as they had gone on an evening walk and caught sight of her and watched. They were mildly surprised by how quickly and efficiently she had neutralised them and how chill she had been with doing so. It made them wonder why exactly she hung around them if she were powerful enough to solve problems on her own.

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