Chapter XVII - Nightmares explained

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(Y/n) POV

"I-I'm not sure.. it's usually just really dark and I can only see this shadowy silhouette in the corner of the room. I..can't remember anything else, really." I explained as I diverted my view.

Look, you'd understand too. Y'know, being able to defeat all these villains with ease but not even able to sleep a full night without waking up screaming. It's no fun, as it's real embarrassing, hah.

He rubbed his chin in thought as Sir Nonsurat (I think that's his name) was trying to get out of the conversation. I'm not surprised, he's a Star Warrior not a therapist.

Morpho Knight put his hand on my shoulder and assured me everything would be okay, but would it really? It's alright saying these things, but it's not if you know you're lying. He forgets how young me and Kirby are from time to time, and how much a burden it is having to carry the people's hopes on your young shoulders. Tsk, it's at times like these that you wish you were normal.

But I'm not, so.

It was the middle of the night and we were just stood there, in the moon's radiant light. Many stars twinkled high above us, and I began to feel bored. Bored of what? Bored of the way I lived my life.

It's exciting to go on adventures, but it's worn me out enough. Maybe I should retire..? Nah, I'm too young and being a hero isn't an occupation anyway.

I couldn't tell if they actually cared or not, as I felt as though I could see directly through them. They were probably only here to make sure I was fine so I could continue fighting.

Morpho asked me if I wanted to go on a walk with him, just to chat about how I was feeling. Small talk isn't exactly something I want during the night; I'd prefer refreshing sleep but that was off the table. Hesitantly, I agreed to go on a walk to the village and back with him.

Sir Nonsurat, or Lancelot as he's called, cleared off elsewhere as it was obvious he didn't care about me at all. To him, I'm just another randomer who helps the Star Warriors, despite me being one. God, I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of it! I've had it!

People calling me a runt, a child, worthless, valueless, poor, absent minded, depressive, and anything else they have called me.

Yes, I am still classed as a child as I technically am still one, but I'm much smarter than I let on. Believe me, I'm worth so much more than the Star Warriors think I am. I don't mean to sound egotystical but, there is more to me then I let on.

I began to fade out of the conversation as I thought of achievements I had gotten and how much I really was worthy. My mind flashed back to an old prophecy that was told on my old planet, Nova I miss that place. The prophecy was whispered amongst the shadows, usually told to children of the village as a story or a fairytale.

The story goes that there are four heroes, their genders aren't specified and all we know is they're all puffballs. It goes that they each took down one of the four God's of the universe and have a power strong enough to rid this world of any evils that lurk.

My parents would often tell me that I was one of those heroes, though I didn't believe them. However, I'm reconsidering that thought.

I did kill Alayra, Godess of the Earth and Nature

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I did kill Alayra, Godess of the Earth and Nature. Why, you may ask? Well, she had gone corrupt as the rest of them. She destroyed my home planet, and I couldn't forgive her, so I made it my duty to avenge my kind. After, people considered me as what was known as a 'Divine Being'. I think that's a fancy way of saying really powerful, but Meta Knight has objected, saying it's so much more than that. He never explains what he means, so I assume he's just over exaggerating it. Nova knows, maybe he's right.

Anyway, I strongly believe that there are the other heroes of the prophecy here in Dreamland, and that's kind of why I came here. I know, massive surprise.

When I managed to stop thinking, Morpho gave me a cold stare, and I just glared back at him. Probably because I wasn't speaking to him, he got a bit icy.

He spoke up, saying,"Are you alright? You've not said a thing on our walk."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been busy thinking, my head's just full of so many different things."

We eventually made it back to the castle and I slumped onto my bed. Thoughts are racing through my head like they're in a Grand Prix. I can't think straight, and I just need sleep for now.

I can't wait for what tomorrow brings.

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