Chapter IX - Wonderland

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"Eh, Wonderland? I've never heard of such a place.." Sir Nonsurat mumbled, following alongside the others.

Morpho Knight smiled and assured him it was certainly a place worth visiting. He explained the gorgeous scenery and bizarre people who lived there.

"I was casually minding my own business and I ran into these lot. Ever since then, we've worked alongside one another to rid the world of the villains that lurk." Morpho Knight confidently told him.

"It's true, we did see him there and we just ended up keeping him around." Maddie winked, finger gunning at him.

(Y/n) was walking alongside Meta Knight, feeling awfully pitiful after the recent occurrences. The swordsman always looked to hide his emotions; he bottled them up and revealed them to what felt like nobody.

The younger puffball felt a distressingly grand amount of concern towards him, but kept quiet about it all.

Bandana Waddle Dee and Kirby had already gone off to play, undoubtedly, which left the older heroes and heroines to sort the problem out.

"Becca, don't you find it strange how many UFOs crash land on Popstar? Either nobody can drive, their ships are all faulty or Popstar is a magnet for space randomers." Faye stated, sounding rather accurate.

The soldier took a second to process the information, nodding all the while,"You're not wrong, I'm sure at least 6 things have crash landed here. There was me, Stella (Nova, I hate that hoe), Kirby did all those years ago, these Star Warriors did and I think that's about it. Not that many, but it feels like a lot."

Maddie stared down into the deep hole that lead to Wonderland. No white rabbit was there to greet them, and no fairy ring surrounded it. At the time, they were rather minor details that were overlooked, but they mad sense later on.

Reluctantly, Becca stepped into the hole and felt herself falling through time and space.



All there was were black.

Oh Nova, my head heart like Halcandra. The fall felt as though I'd fallen through Mt. Ebott, it was that treacherous.

All the others seemed fine; in fact, they were just getting up.

"Ah mierda, that was a fricken bad fall." Faye cussed, holding her shoulder in obvious agony. "You alright, Becca?"

"Uh huh, just the usual pain when you fall through time and space.." I muttered back.

Faye shot me a dirty look,"Don't say that! You know that one of our sisters got shattered across time and space because of something stupid she did."

Right, I won't forget about the stupid things Bonnie had done. Damn, we just can't talk about time and space without her being brought up.

"Meta, you good?" I asked, crawling over to the rest of the group.

"I..yeah. Just a bit of a headache, maybe a concussion." He snickered, light-heartedly.

"Aight, good. As long as you're good, then I'm good. What about you, Morpho?"

Same jolly response from the butterfly warrior. Look, I know that he's a butterfly but he can kick ass, okay?

Now, we thought that getting concussed from a fall was normal, but apparently not. Why? Because apparently, traveling through time and space is safe and won't hurt you. However, the place had been mechanized..great.

All the trees leaked oil instead of sap, and the flowers gave off gas fumes instead of a nice scent and pollen. The grass felt like blades of knives beneath my feet.

"Woah, the floor is all fucked up.." (Y/n) gasped, not caring about using what Meta described as 'explicit' language.

Yep, the place was certainly a shit show and we had to leave at once as it looked unstable and faulty.

Sir Nonsurat (or Lancelot as he's called apparently) was taking it all in and giving Morpho a know it all grin.

But, before we could leave, we heard a familiar and obnoxious laugh, followed by a cough.

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