Chapter XCII

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"You're telling me there's another intergalactic threat that is going to engulf this entire universe in darkness for no solidified or justified reason?" 


"And Kirby has inherited an ability where he can half-consume the item in his mouth, using it to his own disposal?"


"And that this 'forgotten land' has a secret lab where the other half of this dimension destroying demon is?"


"And, despite Elfilis' attempts to aid and assist Kirby in battle, it's actually the other half of this destructive creature?" 

"Pretty much." 

"Are we ever going to get a break?!" (Y/n) snapped, tossing a twig into the ocean in spite," I'm sick of having to constantly clear up after every threat that torments dreamland!"

"But, we aren't in Dreamland.." Astro murmurs, looking around at the sand. 

"Yeah, no shit! We have to clear up messes over and over and over and-"

They fell over into the sand in pure anger. They knew that moping over their life wouldn't help a single thing, and neither would venting frustration, but if they held it in they could hurt someone. Intentional or not. 

"(Y/n), if you need some time alone then I can leave, but I don't wish for any harm to come to you if I were to leave you on your own. I fear something could possess you or worse." Astro forced the words out, and they felt something bring them back down. 

The concern in her voice made them reconsider and even back down from the rampage they were going to go on. 

Oh Nova, I shouldn't be thinking like that when there's Dark Matter around. 


"Sir, do you believe that this will work?"  Zero asked, it's eye absentmindedly hovering to and fro. 

"If you don't have confidence in my plan, then you can back down before we succeed, and then laugh as we mock your insolence and disloyalty." It boomed, it's voice louder than anything that anyone had heard," The plan is working as we intended it to, and I won't have you escaping."

"But, the margin for success is narrowing with every passing second; why not have us all strike in one swoop? Tiring them all out in one go and then having you fight them would be more effective, no?" Another asked. 

"Silence your bickering! We have confidence in our plan, do we not? As I told Zero, you can back down while you still have the chance to, or you follow obediently and play your part. If you even consider going against us, we'll have you executed where you stand." It hissed, it's deathly voice sounding as though it were a phantom," Now, do you stand with or against us, Nightmare?"

"I am not backing down; it was a suggestion. I stand with you, but if I go down in battle you will be the one my troops go for." Nightmare growled. 

"Very well, but you know what we have to sacrifice. Are you certain you will have enough energy to at least attempt to attack them, or are you left critical after your reincarnation?" It asked, hoping for the best answer. 

Nightmare lowered his head shamefully," I'm afraid my troops are limited, and I'm yet to regenerate fully, but I should be up to standard within the week. I say that hopefully." 

It rubbed it's bony hands together," Well, they're doing as I've asked them to, and I hope that it will all go smoothly."

Dark Nebula emulated a tv screen and displayed footage from the CCTV cameras of Lab Discovera, revealing Kirby and Galacta Knight. 


They both stood in a lift solemnly, grateful for Dedede's sacrifice but terrified that he was gone for good. Fighting him was an..experience. The two had knocked him off of his feet, and he proceeded to chase them around the platform on all fours, like an animal gone feral. His eyes emitted a glow, and he raced about. 

Once they'd knocked the mask off of him and returned him to his senses, he sat up and showed his gratitude to them in the form of a smile, only to be followed by self sacrifice. One Dee tripped and fell, struggled to get up and was then rescued by Dedede. He tossed it into the elevator, drew his mallet and that was where the doors closed.

Kirby had lost enough allies in the past, but that one cut him deeply. 

"...Dedede.." He choked, fighting back the tears. He didn't want to cry about it, especially in front of one of the strongest one in the galaxy, but he didn't see any point in holding it in. 

A woman's voice came on over them, drowning out Kirby's cries. 

"Initiating facility navigation protocol.."

Galacta Knight glared up at the speaker, his eyes toned with curiosity. Why would a lab have a navigation protocol that was played every time someone went into the elevator?

"Welcome, visitors, to the Dream Discoveries Tour of our science facility, Lab Discovera! On this thrilling tour, you'll be introduced to the ultimate life-form, specimen ID-F86! From the moment ID-F86 arrived on our planet, it began a campaign of destruction that threatened the native wildlife of our entire world. Luckily, our research team managed to capture it before it could complete its invasion. Once it was contained, our lab began studying ID-F86's spatial teleportation ability— Research that laid the groundwork for the planetary warp technology we enjoy today! However, 30 years after our research began, a "warp-experiment incident" occurred in this facility. A new life-form, separated from the main specimen, escaped in the aftermath. That new sub specimen has yet to be recovered. In the time since, ID-F86 has shown no signs of activity. It is now kept in a state of permanent stasis within the custom-made Eternal Capsule here on the top level of Lab Discovera. And here we are! Let's meet the ultimate life-form: Specimen ID-F86."

"Specimen ID-F86...?" Galacta Knight repeated, trying to think of what it tied to. 

Elfilis petted Kirby, assuring him everything was going to flatten out and be okay. Despite knowing what stood behind the doors, Elfilis kept quiet about it. 

Then, the doors opened...

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