Chapter LXXV - Saved

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Before they could recollect their thoughts, they watched as he unsheathed his blade and pointed it directly at them. The tip of the blade reached between their eyes, and they had to go cross-eyed just to see it. 

He was wordless, yet they expected him to say something. Whatever he wanted to say was being supressed so hard that a groan or two came out, but nothing more. His robotic side was fighting against his organic side because it registered what he wanted to say was inappropriate in the eyes of Haltmann. 

Momentarily, his hand trembled and he almost dropped his blade, but it took him a second to regain his composure and grip. The fiery blade of his sword danced to the melancholic melody provided by the wind. 

They were still sat down, wide-eyed in surprise that he faltered so slightly at the mere sighting of his old companion. A part of them believed that Haltmann would have known of the mistake and fixed it already, yet (Y/n) knew that he was probably well aware of the glitch and was searching for someone who was not as problematic in his opinion to take his place. 

"You." He sternly said, a robotic voice fostering," Nada más que un niño."

In a light-hearted way, they pointed to themself and smirked," Me?"

"I remember...your face." He continued, his voice as toneless and dead as previously. 

"Well, of course you do. I'm your friend, Mecha, and I always have been. Don't forget that." They responded, their small smirk widening into a broad smile, like a rainbow stretched across a clouded sky. 

Retracting his blade, he sheathed his sword and sighed, something that (Y/n) believed he wasn't capable of doing. When they saw him digging into his pocket for something else, they assume he was looking for a different weapon to end them with. From a pocket on his belt, he produced a screwdriver, marked by the Haltmann logo. Holding it forwards, he offered it to (Y/n) in exchange for his freedom, which they accepted at once. 

The screwdriver was the right kind that they needed and they wasted no time in trying to remove the armour. However, the robot sensors casted (Y/n) as a threat and he unsheathed his sword again. 

"Meta, what are you doing? I need to help you! Even if I... die trying I suppose." They cried aloud, offering the screwdriver forwards. 

The silence that followed cut into them deep; they knew he wasn't one for conversation all of the time but he would never pass up the opportunity to enlighten the others every once in a while. Silence was something he enjoyed when he was relaxing, not when on the battlefield. 

"Please.." he whispered in a voice containing more tone than before," Please help me.." 

The way that his voice had changed from being void and null to miserable and fearful rubbed them the wrong way. It was haunting how someone that was idolised for his fearlessness and heroic attitude was now afraid of it and wishing it to be over. Seeing him in such a state made them fearful for the future experiences that they would be experiencing, ones that may not differ to ones that he had gone through. 

"Believe me, I am sorry for this. I promise this will all be over after this though..!" They whimpered, quivering slightly. 

Raising their arm high in the air, they allowed a second to drink in the sight and then lower their arm swiftly enough to shatter the gem in the centre of his mask. Their efforts weren't for naught and they watched as the shards fell onto the road. 

Withdrawing the screwdriver from his mask, they noticed just how deeply it happened to be in. The tip of the screwdriver was burrowed fairly deep and, if the gem weren't there, it would have been a fatal attack. 

Like deadweight, he dropped to the floor, arms by his sides and hands over-turned. The gem, or what pieces were left of it, gave a faint glow as it died out completely, powering off the optical sensors. He was still alive, but blinded by what (Y/n) had done. It was effective in terms of keeping him from harming them, yet they weren't too sure if they had permanently blinded him. If they had, then they would have to find a way to restore his sight, because they refused to let that be additional guilt that they had lumbered onto themself, or their conscience, rather. 

"I-I can't see-!" He shouted out loud, hands shaking slightly. All that filled his vision was no more than TV static, accompanied by several small boxes of text in the corner and a large message in red that read,' Optical Sensors Offline'.

Wrapping their arms around him, they whispered their reassuring messages to him as they pried off the scorching metals with only a screwdriver, a hand and determination. 

Heaving off the plate covering his visage, they noticed fresh blood dripping down the side of it. The metal obviously wasn't cut carefully and cut him as the cost, not that it mattered to Haltmann. Dry blood stained his face, making it evident that it was not the first time but it would be the last. 

The moment they read the expression of fear was the second that they decide that they would not stop until they had given Haltmann the living hell he deserve to face, a punishment worse than death and worse than just pain. 

His eyes were filled with worry, a worry that someday something as equally traumatic would happen to the person they felt was like a child to them, and there would be nothing they could do to prevent it. It was a truth that no parent ever wanted to admit to. A truth that could make one's stomach turn in the matter of a second. 

After it was all off of him, they held him tight and never wanted to get off. They'd spent too many years apart and they decided to never let any of their friends have to face such a punishment for being so heroic. 

Through a flurry of tears, they made him a promise," Look, I don't care what happens to me in this, but if I Haltmann do as much as look at you in the wrong way, I will make his life one not worth living." 

"(Y/n), that's very sweet but I doubt that you would be able to do that. It's a promise that I'm afraid you can't keep." He mumbled, feeling himself grow weaker. 

"Well, if I can't take him down then I'll at least keep you safe." 

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