Chapter 70: Untold Tales

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Percy hesitantly scoots closer to her. An arm being put around her as he slowly pulls her in his embrace. Zoe does not fight it as she digests the days of the past again. Soothing circles were made on her back by Percy while she let the tears fall on his shoulder. Pain and loss once again felt inside her.

"I am not like him, Zoe. Sure, I am not the greatest person. I have a bit of a temper, I do things without thinking sometimes. But... I wouldn't do what Hercules did to you. My fellows in camp would not do that to you. I promise you that we boys are not all like Hercules," he says to her.

"Zoe, I'm sorry for all the shit I gave you..." Thalia says as she looks in the fire. A deep frown on her face as she takes everything in. I have no words for it. I thought I knew pain and loss, but I probably was a fool. Grover seems to be holding back his own tears.

"I don't need pity," Zoe says as she breaks the embrace of Percy. A bit rougher than was necessary, but Percy doesn't mind. He understood it. "Save it for someone that needs it."

"Zoe, I am proud of you," I begin to say, "It takes bravery and strength to face the past. I do not pity you, I am proud of you. Lesser people would have been broken beyond repair, but here you are. Fighting your own battles and winning them. A worthy person to be praised and honored."

Zoe takes a deep breath and looks at the star filled sky. "I don't want praise. I don't want to be honored. I just wanted a home, and I found it by looking to the stars. They led me to Lady Artemis, who helped me and gave me a place amongst her Hunters. She gave me a place after I had nothing left. For that, Lady Artemis will have my eternal gratitude and loyalty," she says.

"And we will help you, Zoe. If Artemis means that much to you, we will get her back to her rightful place. You're not solely responsible for getting her out of her prison. Me, and everyone here, will have your back. I guess you could say that we follow you now," Percy says with a smile and determined expression.

"I... Thank you, Percy. I am glad you wield my sword into battle. Well, that's my past. Keep it to yourself, my friends. I have no wish for it to spread," Zoe says.

"Of course, I swear to not spread it around, Zoe. Your past is safe with us," I assured her. The rest gave their own signs and words to keep it to themselves. She sighs again and takes a deep gulp of water.

"Thanks, I will retire early to bed. Have a good night," she says and walks towards her tent. I think this has done her good. Even if she looks exhausted; emotionally and physically. This will only help her, I am sure of that.

"I never believed that Zoe experienced such hardship in the past," Thalia says as Zoe entered her tent.

"You do not hate men just because you join the Hunters. But even so, I never expected this. Hercules and his twelve labors is one of the few things I actually read about. I thought he would be better than this. Zoe deserves better," Percy says.

"I agree. But Zoe is not without her own strength, she will find her own way. Come, we better catch some sleep too. Last stretch is tomorrow," I say, stretch my limbs a bit, and walk to my own tent.

The next day, I woke up early to prepare breakfast for everyone. I thought I woke up before everyone, but it turns out Zoe was already awake as she sits high up in a tree watching the sunrise. Her legs swinging slightly as her eyes are on the horizon.

"Will thee sit with me for a moment, Aileen?" Zoe asks as she glances in my direction. I smile and teleport to the side of her. Zoe looks better, more at peace it seems.

"I haven't felt this... whole in a long time. The advice that thee had given me was invaluable. You have a gift, Aileen. You restored my faith in males through words and patience. Lady Artemis picked me up when I was at my lowest point in my life, but thou has healed me."

"I am glad I got to help you, Zoe. Have you thought about what to do? The future is open for you. Paths can be walked now that you may not have considered before," I say as we both watch the sunset. Zoe sighs as she shrugs.

"I have not thought much about it. Lady Artemis is still in danger and in peril. I will first save her, and then I will think about my future, but I like to talk to Lady Artemis about it. She is like a mother to me," Zoe answers.

"Well, Artemis should be proud of you. I hope she realizes that. You're a good person, Zoe."

"I can see why Annabeth would love you. You are one of the purest persons I have ever met. The Gods should learn from thee," she says as she smiles at me. "I still have a lot to think about. I hope I can ask for advice from time to time. It has become easy to talk with thee."

"My door is always open, Zoe. But I am very faithful. Best not fall for me, because then you better remain with the Hunters," I say with a chuckle. Zoe burst out in laughter. For the first time, I see her laughing. She is beautiful, I will admit that.

"Annabeth will be safe from any competition. My preference does not lie with females. Ironic, I hated men, but I prefer them," she says while smiling in amusement. She sighs in contentment as her gaze goes to the sun again.

"I look forward to the future again. That is a very precious gift thy have given me, Aileen. Thank you."

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