Chapter 58: Seperated

Comenzar desde el principio

Tyson, Percy's half-brother, left camp not so long ago. We currently do not look armed to the teeth, but that's due to the fact he made us all new weapons or modified them. Annabeth may dislike cyclops as a specie, but they're great builders and inventors. He took my sword and made it into the ring. I just have to press the gem for a few seconds and it will appear. Tyson had to be careful, just touching the blade causes pain to anyone that is not from the Underworld.

"This castle gives me the creeps," Thalia says as she looks at the castle. "Yeah, it doesn't look inviting. Come, let's find Grover. I am sure he is in some sort of danger or he wouldn't send Percy a distress call."

Without further ado, we entered the castle. It is just like the outside, large hallways and the wall are covered with flags of battles and lined with all sorts of weapons. Rifles, swords, axes, you name it. I guess this school is a military school. Poor kids. It certainly made me more alert. This school could contain dangerous monsters. Thalia was also looking around with a healthy dose of skepticism and alertness.

"So, where to-" Annabeth starts to say but was interrupted by the door slamming closed. Percy glances at the door before looking around with more suspicion. "Sure make the scary castle more creepy. We better start searching for Grover," Percy says. And so we did.

As we started to walk down one of the many hallways, we eventually hear music reaching us. Annabeth said to stash our stuff away before moving further to make sure we're not looking suspicious to anyone present. However, even without it, we were soon intercepted by two persons that walk around as if this is a military camp. Their uniforms are clearly in a military style and their posture does not hide the fact that they march around like soldiers all the time. This is a bit too much for my taste.

"What are you doing here?" The woman asks. I am shocked to see that the woman has a small mustache. The rest were also a bit confused by the looks of it. The man and woman both had dark hair that is turning gray. While the man had no beard and was completely clean-shaven, I would think he should wear a mustache instead of the woman.

Thalia was about to walk up to them, but I was quicker as I put a hand on both of their shoulders. "You need to trust my words, Madame and Sir. We have been the latest addition to the respectable school. You were already notified that we're on our way to the dance. Don't you remember?"

Both blinked a few minutes before they shared a confused glance with each other. "Of course, miss. Grover Underwood, guide our new student to the dance. They should not wander around at this moment," the man says as we all see Grover coming our way.

"Uh, right away, Dr. Thorn! Have a nice evening Mrs, Gottschalk, Dr. Thorn," Grover says with a slightly wavering voice. We soon walked away with Grover. I turned to both man and woman. They are strange, but the man is a stranger. Something didn't feel right about the man. I mean, the woman is strange too, but the aura of the man was strange.

Grover lead us to the dance as the music was getting louder. He looked good, aside from the strange clothing. A black t-shirt with the rank of Grover. Grunt. They took this whole military theme a bit too far. Aside from that, his horns and beard have grown a bit more. Overall, he looked good but stressed. But that is nothing new.

"Thank the Gods you're here," Grover says. "What's up, Grover? What made you call us here?" I ask.

"I found the Demigods. Two of them," he says. "Two?! At this school?" Annabeth asks with surprise. It is rare to find Demigod children to begin with, but two is very rare. Only twins were the most common ones to be found in pairs.

"Yeah, but I can't seem to get them out of this place. This is the last day of the term before they go home for the holidays. I need to get them out, before he finds out who it is," Grover explains. "What are you talking about?" Percy asks.

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