Exhausting mornings

Start from the beginning

"You look pale again this morning, Sunshine," Nat pointed out after she sat down. You were the first one at the table today, and waited patiently for everyone to come join. Your mama and Uncle Brad came in second, and your mama gave a knowing smile and came over to kiss you on the cheek before she took her spot at the table with Uncle Brad beside her. Steve had just walked in the room and Blue was at his heels.
"Mama!" Blue saw you and started running towards you. You pushed back from the table and he jumped up onto your lap and started licking your face quickly.
"Good morning baby boy" you cooed to him. "Thank you for watching him last night Stevie" you had the good sense to blush a bit.
"I don't mind, he's good company. He howled for a little bit, until he figured out he wasn't getting his own way" Steve grinned.
"He's a little spoiled," Sam quipped.
"Just a little" you admitted with a shrug.
"Mama, sick" Blue growled softly.
"I know, just a few more months of this" you spoke internally to him.
"You still have that bug?" Sam asked curiously as he watched you tiredly just pull Blue in and obviously didn't have the ability to fight off the morning kisses.
"She does," Buck grinned from ear to ear, unable to keep the smile off of his face.
"Oh!" Nat clued in and looked at you with an appraising eye and you blushed.
"How long have you been sick, songbird?" uncle Brad asked curiously.
"A few weeks" Bruce cleared his throat, trying not to give anything away.
"Well, we have our physicals next week. Maybe we can do more of a deep dive into it" Steve gave a small smile. Uncle Brad chuckled to himself and looked away, already knowing what you haven't really said out loud. Nat smirked before turning and giving Bruce a quick kiss on the cheek.
"We've done a few tests already," Tony shrugged. "We will be at Shield for a majority of the physical, so Y/N will be doing her's later in the week, so will Bruce and I"
"All three of you are going?" Nat sounded surprised.
"We need to make sure the antiserum works, it's more for us science bro's and gal to handle" Tony grinned.
"Since when is Y/N one of the science and research division?" Sam quipped.
"Since she's been invaluable to us this week" Bruce answered quickly. "We all kind of forgot that's what she was doing before she became a part of the team. She's brilliant in the lab"
"Thank you Bruce" you flushed a bit at the praise.
"It's just the truth," Bruce shrugged. The food platter got passed down, but you passed it quickly to your mama and just took some toast. She huffed a little bit, and put some eggs onto your plate with a meaningful look and you nodded gently in acknowledgment that you were being told to eat more.
"Tell me more about what all you have been up to, it's been a long time" mama looked over as you started eating. You carefully chewed your food, trying to decide on what would be safe to talk about without upsetting her or uncle Brad. You told them about meeting with Sunny, and how a majority of the time you've been working on site for the last few months. You breezed over some of the missions, staying away from the ones that would detail any type of danger. You told them about how you and Bucky normally made a point of going to the cabin on weekends normally, and the farmer's market on Sundays for breakfast and a walk. You explained you weren't sure how that was going to work for the next few months with Snow just having had her pups, and her being timid to even leave the bedroom. Jasper left for work, but that was as far as the front door before he went back to the suite. You felt a bit proud of yourself for dancing around the dangerous parts when Uncle Brad cleared his throat.
"You haven't used your gun skills?" he asked curiously.
"Oh no, she's great with her gun. She took down almost an entire room of hydra using it instead of her fire powers" Bucky spoke without thinking and realized his mistake and looked at you apologetically.
"The lessons proved helpful" you nodded and saw your mama was glaring at you a bit.
"Do you use your fire powers at all now?" mama asked.
"Not really, no" you shook your head. "I mean, they flare up on their own sometimes and I can feel them coming to the surface outside of training, but I manage to keep them in check" you shrugged.
"You mean when your temper flares" Tony gave a smirk and you gave a small flush and a nod.
"When John was here especially, that was a struggle" you admitted.
"Who's John?" Uncle Brad asked quickly.
"A putz" Cloud spoke up and came into the room to get his face washed.
"A putz huh?" Uncle Brad repeated out loud.
"The biggest one I've ever met. He tried wooing our companion even though she's clearly with Bucky" Melody came in to give her two cents.
"It was disgusting," Cloud agreed.
"You would have hated him" Melody looked at mama. "No one compares to our companion's mate" she added for good measure.
"Sounds like an exciting time" Mama gave a small grin and a chuckle.
"It's always so weird when we can only hear half the conversation" Sam shook his head.
"The pack was explaining John was not the type of character we would have cared for" uncle Brad gave a small smile.
"You should have seen the shiners he walked out of here with" Bruce chuckled. "Both Y/N and Bucky put him back in his place"
"Y/N more than me," Bucky admitted. "She's got a mean right hook," he grinned proudly.
"We all thought she knocked him out when they were training together" Steve nodded.
"Yeah, but Tin Man did knock him out," Sam pointed out.
"I just wish I would have gotten more hits in," Bucky smirked. "Call it therapy"
"Are you still planning on taking Y/N for a drive?" Mama asked after a few minutes. You had finished eating and sat back a little, still feeling nauseous.
"Do you mind watching Blue?" Bucky asked and you looked at him curiously.
"Where are we going?" your interest was piqued.
"To the cabin, I forgot something there. I thought we could get out for a few minutes alone for today" Bucky winked at you, and you couldn't find it in your heart to argue with him.
"As long as it's not for long" you decided.
"We've got Blue" uncle Brad promised.
"You've been quiet this morning, Soren" you saw him come fly over and land back on Uncle Brad's shoulder.
"I need to go stretch my wings" Soren admittedly, lying a little bit.
"I'll let you out. Blue, Cloud and Melody need to go for their morning run anyways" you offered.
"I'll go outside with them, why don't you go rest since you still have that bug" uncle Brad winked at you, and you had a feeling he knew as well at this point.
"He's right, you should go take a rest" Nat nodded in your direction.
"Mama..." you looked at your mom.
"I'll be okay. I'm going to spend some time with Bucky and the pack. Off with you" she shooed you away. You nodded and gave Bucky a kiss on the cheek before putting your dishes away and headed back to the suite. When you got there, you saw Jasper was laying with his head on top of Snow's, and you crawled down on the floor between them, resting your head on Jasper's ribs and wrapping your arms over Snow so you could card your fingers through her fur as you took a quick nap.  

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