[Season 2] Chapter 23 - Flow of Mildness

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Androssi stared at you with a tender smile as you went from book to book, shopping bags filled with her clothes around her. After watching a movie, eating and shopping for clothes for her, the princess had allowed you to do anything, thus you chose to go to a bookstore, marveling at the display of books as you picked some out.

So this is what you like. . . how cute

With a few more minutes, you had bought a few light novels among the many you had wanted to purchase, Androssi's shopping bags within your lighthouse and the two of you walking in an empty shore, “How were you after joining FUG? You seem a lot stronger.”

“Hehe, I dealt with a lot of interesting people who broadened my knowledge. It's thanks to them that I'm much more capable now. Of course, brute force still isn't my modus operandi.” You stared at the fake sky as Androssi walked you around, “It was really dark. Thinking about the darkness makes me appreciate the light around me much more.”

“Though if you're all safe and happy then I'm glad.  All my energy spent protect my allies was definitely worth while, that gives me courage to fight.” You took a seashell into your hands, placing it back down after a moment for a wandering shinhueh to burrow its way inside and call the shell home.

Oh, that's right. Androssi chuckled, “That's so like you. What are you going to do now? The Workshop Battle is over and you ran away from FUG.”

Ran away from FUG. . . I suppose Dragonhier did.

“I'll continue to climb this tower, of course.” You answered easily, “There's a place I have to return to. Now and forevermore I will protect everything of that place.”

[Name] is different from us, Androssi halted in her tracks, staring at you before a smirk came across her countenance— “Ok. I'll help you climb this tower. So catch up quick.”

She then squished your cheeks— “Ow! Ms. Anwossi?”

“I'll get to show you off to those sisters of mine too!!”

— —

“I'm apologize for my tardi—”

“It's fine [Name]. It was that princess who dragged you around.” Khun huffed, an amused smile stretched across his face as he pulled the empty chair next to him out, “Here, sit down.”

With a mutter of gratitude you sat down, an unfamiliar face and three familiar faces greeting you. You turned to Dan, “I'm [Last name] [Name]—”

“He knows. [Name], that's Edin Dan. He was one of my teammates.” Khun explained— going on about what happened in his old team where Rachel and two other members had betrayed him, killing off Gyetang and stabbing the speedster's legs.

You crossed your arms, “I see. Then this team. . .”

“Will find Rachel and her comrades and eliminate them.”

You placed a hand on your chin, “Are you. . . really alright with that Mr. Khun? Doing this also means you're accepting whatever will happen if Baam finds out.”

For a split-second, a look of darkness darker than the night crossed his face, “I know. But this is something I must do.”

You stared at him for a moment longer before you turned to the speedster, offering a quiet smile, “May I see your wounds?”

“Huh? Oh! Are you going to heal my legs?” Dan gasped. You nodded plainly— and in a minute his legs were fully healed, as though he had never stabbed, your weapon whirring by your side. After receiving his many thanks, you faced to Khun with a sigh, “Then I suggest you take Mr. Beta with you.”

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