[Season 1] Chapter 8 - Striding in the Snowstorm

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"Mic test! Mic test! One two three! Good morning regulars! This is Lero-Ro. Did you all have breakfast? I know yesterday's test was exhausting, but don't just stay in bed and eat your meals" You clothed yourself in the typical clothes you had been wearing for the position test: the Evankhell's shop uniform. The voice from outside blasted into your room as well, "For your information, all the food is free now that the tests are over. For those of you who didn't eat too much to conserve points, please help yourselves! Though, to be honest, the food here isn't very good."

"Now to the main topic, tonight at 6 pm, the list of regulars who'll take the final exam will be announced! All regulars, please come to the first hall by six o'clock! Alright, that's it! Bye!" Soon enough, you found yourself in the restaurant, ordering two servings of pearl, jade and white jade soup and two loafs of bread to go.

Not long later, you found yourself in front of Ho's room, knocking on his door and receiving no response. You hummed, deciding to speak through the door, hopefully reaching the regular who wouldn't walk out of his room, "Good morning, sorry to disturb you, Mr. Ho. But I've brought you some food so please do eat up."

Ho cfucled into a ball on his bed, clutching his blankets- ". . . The reason you hate us is not because we have all this power, is it? You just want something to protect."

I wonder if it's the same for you, Ms. Serena

And thus you went on your way to head to your room- until a door opened beside you and a hand latched onto your arm, pulling you into the room. The familiar scent of blueberries and vanilla reached your nose, "Mr. Khun?"

"Stay here for a while, [Name]."

"Mm?" You glanced up at his face, "Alright."

". . . Baam knew about Rachel. . ." Khun sighed after a moment, letting you go and flopping onto his bed as he recalled the morning's events when Baam hurriedly left to check on Rachel.

You hummed to his words, nodding, "Yes, I suppose they'll go up the tower together now, don't you think so?"

He sat up, "But Baam achieved his goal. So why would he keep climbing up the tower?"

"That's true, however Ms. Rachel still has a long way to go before she reaches the top of the tower to see the stars. Why would Baam let her go alone? More than anything else Baam wishes to stay with her." You placed a hand on your chest, a giggle falling from your lips, "Of course, if Baam requires our assistance I won't just sit still. Hehehe."

"Though we all might be 'enemies' in tests, we're all friends and comrades above all else, Mr. Khun." You explained, a quiet smile resting on your face as silence came into the room. Khun laid back onto his bed, placing his arm over his face to cover his wide grin- ". . . Yeah."

Then multiple bangs were heard on the door. Khun stood, "Who-"

"Hey! You sneaky turtle!! Open the door!!"

Khun sighed dejectedly, placing a hand on the doorknob, "What do you want?"

And he opened the door- "Rak?"

He received a headbutt to his stomach- "What the hell! What do you think you're doing!? Crocodile!!"

Khun looked at his teammate, a small crocodile humanoid reaching his view, "Where's your dad?"

He received yet another headbutt.

You sighed, taking your hand from Khun's forehead where he received his second attack from Rak, who sat on Khun's bed, across him. Once you confirmed that there was no injury or pain after healing him, you nodded to yourself. Then you faced the crocodile, "Mr. Rak, may I ask what happened?"

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