[Season 1] Chapter 9 - In a Harmonious Atmosphere

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After Baam left to see the administrator, the other regulars had had gathered on the platform, sitting in a circle, fearful faces scatted about. Khun faked a sigh, "I thought there was something odd about Baam. . . but I never thought he was an irregular."

"Um. . . so. . . what's an irregular? Why are you all so serious?" Nare asked. Shibisu replied, "An irregular is not chosen like us, they opened the door by themselves without being chosen."

"And. . . is that a big problem?"

"Irregurals don't obey the rules of this tower." You started, "Everytime an irregular enters this tower, they convey chaos and change, thus the regulars in the central tower hate and fear irregulars."

Before anyone else could speak, you rose from your kneel next to Hatsu, "However, I've already decided to help Baam, so I'll be going now."

"W-wait! Aren't you being a bit too hasty?" Nare asked. You shook your head, offering a quiet smile, "Not at all. After all change nor chaos cannot be prevented."

"The tides change it's course, and so must we. . . though I suppose it's only fair if everyone knows I'm an irregular as well." With that you gave a polite bow and left, stumbling as Androssi slung her arm around your shoulders, giving you a grin as she pulled you forwards, "Let's go!"

A smile reminiscent of the ocean upon the first rays of sun in dawn blossomed on your face, your voice as gentle as dissolving seafoam amidst golden sand, "Yes, let's move out."

Rak watched as you left with Androssi. With a huff, he stood and turned his back to the rest, "Stupid turtles. All of you are cowering in your shells with fear. That's why, you're nothing more than a turtle. You're too scared to lift your heads up. I'm following them, I'm not scared of the consequences, I'm following my prey."

"You all stay and live with your heads stuck inside your shells." With that Rak followed behind you.

"I'm going too." Anak stated, grabbing Shibisu's collar and dragging him with her, ignoring his yells to let him go, momentarily glancing at the leg she once broke, "I don't care much for helping him but I'm not about to ignore someone after she healed me."

"Huh, we agree on something for once." Hatsu stood and left. And thus the other regulars picked themselves up one by one and followed them, leaving Khun behind who let out an affectionate laugh. With a rather smug smile, he stood and followed them as well.

- -

"Ms. [Name], I've heard you're an irregular?" Yu Han Sung stood in front of you as you walked through the halls. You offered a quiet smile, "That's correct, I am an irregular however I'm certain you've already known beforehand so may I ask what's your purpose in conversing with me?"

"How straightforward." The test director mused, "I've came to ask about Watatsumi, whatever it may be."

You glanced at him, "Let's talk where the walls have no ears, Mr. Yu."

Thus you found yourself sitting in his office, a cup of instant coffee in front of you. The director spoke, "[Name], I knew you were an irregular from the beginning. And I knew about Baam and Michelle. Making you give the up the crown game because of Michelle, informing Ho that Michelle was the reason Baam's climbing the tower and lying about Michelle's legs, were all apart of my plan-"

"I know." You admitted, silence lingering before you spoke again, "I also know this entire floor is a trap to eliminate threats to the tower to keep it from chaos and change."

"However, I think being so incredibly fearful and hateful of change is foolish. People's hearts are unfathomable, how could this tower have everything they want?" You glanced at your cup, your reflection staring right back at you, "This tower too, will fade to erosion one day."

pearl of wisdomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें