[Season 2] Chapter 12 - This Little Light of Mine

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You opened the door to your room, walking in and catching the eyes of the black-haired girl you saw earlier. You turned to her and offered a smile, "Good evening, I am [Last name] or as you know me, Dragonhier. Sorry to disturb."

"Oh. . . hi there. . . I'm Yeon Yihwa."

With that you turned to the unoccupied bed and took your accessories off, your eye-mask reminiscent of slumbering dragons staying on. You took your cloak off, the dark garment revealing the noble dress you wore underneath. After folding your clothes Yihwa spoke, "Hey. . .! I'm going to take a bath, want to come with me? You must be sweaty after the test. Let's take a bath together."

"I'd appreciate that, thank you." You gave a quiet smile. Thus you found yourself walking to the bathrooms with Yihwa by your side, talking away as you listened to her rambles attentively,
". . . I came to the tower when I was 14. It's embarrassing to say but, I'm one of the super elites. I got the best score on the floor of tests and it took me less than five years to make it up here without any help from my family."

"f you choose me, I'm sure you won't regret it." Yihwa glanced upwards as you made it to the bathrooms, entering the women's room, "Haha. Was I talking too much? Tell me about yourself when we get inside, Ms. [Last name]."

You offered a quiet smile, "More about me? Mm. . . I don't mind. I only worry that you may find the topic a little boring."

Thus you soon found yourself sitting in the bath, Yihwa across you as idle conversation was exchanged.

By the time night came, Yihwa had been laying on her bed, about to drift asleep had it not been for the abrupt beeps that tore through the serene silence. Yihwa took the motionless remote, "What's going on?"

". . . It must be the game." You stood from your bed, casting the light novel you had been reading aside. Yihwa spoke, "Oh, it stopped. Huh, call. . .?"

You peered at the remote as the ranker's voice rang through it, "Staring now the exam will begin. The name of this exam is. . ."

Simultaneously, a click came from the doors to your room, ". . . the room that can be trusted. From now on, don't trust anybody. You're all teammates and enemies at the same time. All you can trust is your own room. Oh, and FUG, come down here. Let's fight."

"Let me briefly explain the rules of this exam, your challenge is to secure, seven teammates and six rooms before Ms. [Last name] takes over Ms. Yeon's room. Staring now, you may begin making teams and you may either protect and steal rooms. With the remote given you can open or close the door of your room." You took your nightgown off, away from Yihwa's view, listening to the ranker's instructions as you changed into your usual combat attire. "And with the personal connector at the bottom you can make teammates or steal rooms. It's simple to make teammates, connect your USB to another regular's remote and press the blue button to be teammates. If you press the red button, you'll steal the other regular's room. So if you don't trust someone, you shouldn't open your door or give them your remote."

"The first team to gather seven teammates and six rooms using their remote passes. But be careful, you can only use your own remote and there must be at least one connector in the remote at all times. You can't remove the remote from your room. There must at least be one regular in each room and one of the six rooms must be on the same floor as Ms. Yeon's room." You stood up straight, "If the number of regulars falls below seven, FUG wins. And if FUG comes here and steals this connector from me and gets to Ms. Yeon's room, FUG wins."

"So now, let's begin the test." Yihwa shot up and stood by the door to obscure your path, "I can't let you go, Dragonhier."

"You're planning to kill other regulars as you go, right? I can't let you do that." Yihwa clenched her fists, "Everything will be settled if you stop being so stubborn!! Why do we have to play this stupid game!? If you just say you'll take teammates eveyone ends up happy!!"

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