[Season 2] Chapter 25 - Rapid as Wildfires

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Through your eyes- ribbons of water the color of precious sango pearls led you through the maze, Baam, Ran, Boro, Aka and Moontari following you. Hwa Ryun looked at you from the corner of her eye, you responded without another thought, "Left."

Thus she turned left. Boro started at the scene in front of him, uncertain and doubtful of your abilities, "Hey, Baam! Is it really ok to follow them like this?"

"Yes, Mr. Boro. You can trust [Name]. . . although this is the first time I'm seeing them work together." Baam admitted, hot on your tail. Aka scoffed, "But something's weird."

You felt his gaze burning into your head- "How do you know about the relationship FUG has with that girl and how are you navigating through this maze? I'll cooperate but I'm getting the feeling that something's not right."

Ran gave him a side-eye, "If you don't want to then don't. I don't want you here anyways."

"This brat. . ."

Hwa Ryun grinned, glancing at your upgraded lighthouse that had multiple squares in a single face, "She's using. . . a special lighthouse technique to map out the maze in her head. That's why her lighthouse looks like that. That's all."

With Enna Core. . . it's somewhat possible to mimic echolocation and radiations. If Watatsumi had this. . . we need not fear venturing in unfamiliar locations as much.

"By the way, how do you two, Mr. Aka and Mr. Boro, know each other? Friends?" Baam asked as you headed straight, passing a corner. Boro sighed, "Well. . . something similar to that. . .? He used to be one of my comrades when I was on the train before."

"I see."

"Friend, my ass." Aka snapped, "He's the last man I would ever be friends with."

"Pht. I don't like you either." Boro commented, "After that incident, you became a greedy hound who always hunts newbies at Train City."

"A hound, you say?" Aka retorted, "It's not pleasant to hear that from a runaway loser who hid himself in a hideout. I'm only trying my best to get on the train. I believe that I can find her. Someday. . ."

Xia Xia then you sent you a message through your lighthouse, stating that Dan had already opened the gate. Beta's voice came from your pocket- "Hey! The elevator's completely wrecked!"

"The elevator is wrecked!?"

"Mm, I see. . . we'll use the elevator shaft then. Head back, Mr. Beta." With a grumble usual to him, he hanged up and left. You turned to your current team with an amused smile, "I hope no one is afraid of heights."

Soon enough, you reached the gate, "We're here."

"Phew, they're amazing."

Stepping forward Aka punched away at the doors blocking the elevator shaft. Thus your path was created. It's only then, after a few minutes you've received it do you finally notice and read the text Khun sent you in your pocket, stating that he's arrived. It's also when you tell him to keep Rachel away from Baam before all of his logic would be thrown out the window.

Fortunately for you, Hwa Ryun catches on quick- as she always does. By the time you've reached the first floor, Yura Ha was soon in your vision. Rumbles rang in your ears, groans of the metal doors clashing against the ground reverberated throughout the shinsu all around you. Aka roared as the dust cleared- "Yura Ha!"

"You. . .! But the elevator buttons were destroyed!! How did you guys get here so fast!?" She screamed, speaking through her teeth. You smiled- a deep, deep darkness hiding behind your eyes, "It's simple. We used the elevator shaft."

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