[Season 2] Chapter 15 - Emerging Clouds

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Just like when you faded into darkness, blinding light clouded your vision as you fluttered your eyes open- then came the color of stars and the faint scent of night rain. To you, it was one of melancholy. You embraced the boy who held you tightly, "I'm glad you're safe too, Viole."

You felt him shift, his head bobbing upon your neck as a silent response. Perhaps it was because you woke up or because one of your ears were covered by Viole's head- but in the softest tone you heard, one that ascended the tenderness of the clouds in the bright sky, you heard Viole speak, "Sorry, Ms. [Name]. . . because of me you got hurt. . . again."

"Mm, this is nothing." You whispered back, the high-pitched silence in the room flooding into your ears. Thusly, Viole kept himself there until clouds emerged in the sky, your broken mask glinting under the first lights of day.

- -

"They seem to be very different from Urek." Ha Jinsung pressed his palms onto the ground, leaning onto them, "[Last name] and Viole, I mean. They're not like irregulars. Well, it's true that [Last name] has an otherworldly presence."

Yu Han Sung glanced at him, bringing over a cup of coffee, "Yes. They seem to be different from the usual irregulars."

Jinsung sighed as the test director sat down across him, "They're not just different. . . Viole's too ordinary and [Last name]'s a healer. If they were monsters like Mazino, I would do everything in my power to make sure they're on our side."

"But with them. . . somehow I'm not really up too it." He stared at the ground, his gaze looking beyond the timekine onto a delicate, raw memory, "I'm really not. . . I should. . . teach them first."

"It's been a while. . . since I felt so creeped out about attacking someone."

Yu Han Sung smiled- not one of friendliness but of deception and concealed mockery, "You were called the murderer of the Ha family after you extinguished your family line just because a girl was sold to the head. . . and now you're hesitating to hurt someone?"

"Anger dulls one's senses. But those senses seems to have returned today." Jinsung stared at his hand, "Since that day I thought I had forgotten everything. . . do you really think they'll be able to make our wish come true?"

"I don't think they can. I know irregulars are our only weapons against Zahard but. . . they're different. . ." Jinsung met Han Sung's stare, "It feels like this isn't the right path for them."

The test director let out a small laugh, "Hehe. You'll change your mind soo. Watch a little longer and you'll see what they can become. You'll see the destiny their powers will lead them to in the end."

- -

Two years after you've met Urek, you found yourself in the 28th floor, running through the area as you commanded your teammates throughout the test, one of your lighthouses following Wangnan. You navigated your lighthouse near him to the bushes, "Quick, hide in here and wait for reinforcements, Wangnan!"

The blond scurried into the bushes- a bellowing redhead walking pass right after and moving his hand to his forehead in a search for your teammate, "Little chick! Where are you? My chick?"

"Come here and play with me, chick!" The redhead turned side to side, "Chick, come out!"

You hurried onwards as you heard the redhead's voice pour through the trees as well as your lighthouse. With the power of hydro manifesting as ribbons and fishes around you, you leaped towards the redhead's teammate upon seeing Viole arrive as well, knocking the scarred man out in one fell swoop.

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