[Season 2] Chapter 30 - Nothing but a Dream

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"Good work, black turtle!" Rak uttured as he stared at the giant sun-colored slash of vengeance that sent Hoaqin down. You smiled, nodding to yourself as you heard Poro declare the winner whilst Baam flew towards you with Miseng in a bubble behind him, "Viole's team has saved the hostage! Hoaqin can no longer continue the match! Now the winner is Jue Viole Grace's team!!"


"Great job!!"

"Well done!!"

"Not bad for a bad guy!!"

Baam sat on the floor, hunched over as huffs left him, having already let Miseng down. Your hands hovered over him, ripples reminiscent of waters dyed in moonlight pulsing forth from your palms, "Do you feel better?"

He shifted, meeting your gaze and taking your hand, "[Name]. . . do you think I make the right choice?"

"What I think. . .?" You offered a quiet smile, "Mm, you did well, Baam."

Baam smiled, his shoulders relaxing and hand falling as he stared at you, finally at ease, "I see, that's good."

"Of course all my subordinates would be strong, turtles!!"

"Hehe, of course Rak."

The clone appeared in a flash of white, landing on the ground with a tap of her foot- "You're remarkable. I never thought that you would use the power like that. I was worried that your mind would collapse under the power of the souls."

Rak pointed an accusing finger at her, "Hey, you! Floating turtle!! How could you give something so dangerous to one of my subordinates!?"

"F-floating turtle!? It's thanks to me that he won!!" The clone shouted, eyebrows furrowed and expression tense before a she relaxed, "Anyways, thanks Jue Viole Grace. Thanks to you, we've released some of our pent-up resentment. The spirits residing within you will help you in the future. Although there may be no such thing as perfect revenge, it felt great when you sent Hoaqin flying. Thank you, Jue Viole Grace."

Baam smiled- "Thank you too."

Daniel weakly walked forwards, "Hey you, what was that you said about being an accumulation of the souls of people killed by Hoaqin? Does that mean. . . Roen Yuia. . . is within you? Is she in there too?"


"Then. . .!"

"I'm sorry, Daniel. I am already a complete whole. The personalities of individual souls are essentially gone. I know very well what you want. . . but there's no way for me to make her come back." The clone gave you a glance, "I lied to the MC so that I could intervene in the game. Sorry."

"I see. . ."

You stood from your kneel, a palm reaching out between the clone and Daniel and another to your chest- ". . . If you make a promise, you keep it, if you make a mistake, you apologize. . . And if you give someone a dream, you defend it to the end. . ."

With that a shoal of miniature fishes rushing in circles on your palm flared into existence- then came an ancient, vibrant pearl within which lies the secret of the ocean depths. It's not a second later does the temperature rise and boiling acid spew rapidly into the core.

You don't waste another second to act as the opponents disappear with Yura Ha's special teleportation skill, the pearl vanishing into your inventory, "Baam, keep everyone safe. I'll get everyone else."


You teleported yourself into the submarine, taking Khun in a bubble and teleporting away into the cage just before a violent explosion could ring in your ears and melt away your skin. A gaze from which the depths peeked out landed on the three remaining individuals, "Hwa Ryun, Mr. Quatero and Mr. Chang, sorry to keep you all waiting."

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