[Season 2] Chapter 20.5 - Evanescent Moments II

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"Are you nervous for tomorrow's test?" You asked the shaking blond, a tender smile resting on your face. Wangnan turned to you, smiling nervously, "I heard it's really scary. . . that's all."

"Mm, I see." You summoned a [color] lighthouse, taking out two pairs of exquisite wooden rackets and a ball, "Would you like to play a game, Mr. Wangnan? I think Miseng and Prince would rather appreciate this game."

"Huh? Sure, let's do it!"

And a few minutes later you were watching Prince and Miseng play against Wangnan and Yihwa— Goseng acting as referee as the other three of your group watched in silent amusement.

"By the way, the winner of each round gets to paint on the loser's face." You earned several screams from that. By the time the next day came around, you walked into the exam hall with four of your teammates having their faces painted in black ink.

— —

"That's right. You're getting better, Ms. Goseng."

"Really? Thanks [Last name]." Goseng smiled as she stared at her new and improved lighthouse barrier that you taught her. For a moment she said nothing, staring proudly at the screen—"You know, you're a lot different from what I imagined you to be."

"Hehe, I suppose not all slayer nominees are alike." You smiled kindly, laughing along.

"But. . . [Last name], why did you become a slayer nominee? Someone as kind as you shouldn't have to live like that. . ." For a moment— your heart swelled. But to you, whose will is to protect will never fear sinking into the darkness for that purpose. So with your typical smile, you repeated the words you've said time and time before— "Well. . . you can't defy that which is in your veins."

— —

"Here we are." You walked over to her, setting out the wild, crackling fire all around the room with a flick of your hand, "Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

"I—" She stammered, the flames upon her hand dying out as she stared at the unlit match, "I'm fine!"

You blinked, the sudden shout surprising to you. A quiet smile grew on your face as you outstretched a hand for Yihwa to take, "Please, allow me."

Yihwa, very much confused, took your hand— shouting when a sphere of flames appeared upon her palm.

"That will do. Let's not get too worked up here, shall we? Ms. Yihwa take a deep breath with me, in. . . and out. . . Better?" You placed your other hand on your chest, smiling in relief when she nodded meekly, the flames levitating on her hands calming as well.

"You are the flame itself. . . it's will is as yours. Don't think about anything, simply look at your target." You instructed, watching as Yihwa casted her gaze upon the line match, tension banished from her face and shoulders as you let go of her hands when her eyes closed, ". . . Your flame can never hurt me, Ms. Yihwa."

When Yihwa opened her eyes— there stood an unlit match and an ashen dent next to it.

— —

After another day of training, Viole stepped into your empty room, waiting for you to arrive in solemn silence. It's only hours after do you finally arrive, finding the slayer nominee dozing off on your bed. You sighed, a small smile on your face as you sat next to him— gloved fingers ghosting over his hair before you gently swept it away. Viole's eyes opened, his golden eyes peering into you through your mask. You offered a smile, your voice as faint as fleeting spindrift, "Did I keep you waiting? . . . I'm sorry."

Viole snuggled into your hand, eyes fluttering shut as he took in the only comfort he had, "It's ok. . . you're here now. . ."

And just like the many times before, Viole rested in somber silence as you worked your day away.

— —

Khun snickered as he read through the records of your energy fluctuations, the gaping hole in his heart growing with every second.

He really should've been with you.

— —

A brunet stared away at the horizon, a cigarette to his lips as he listened to the CD player by his side, anticipation in his veins as he waited for the upcoming Battle Workshop to finally see the thorn, in all of it's resentment-stained glory in the hands of an irregular.

It's when the player next to him abruptly shuts down into fading crackles drowning into silence does he finally glance away from the horizon. And then came a cold sensation— as though his mind had been dunked into cold waters. Then came an unfamiliar voice, one from all around him but nowhere as well.

'Oh, it's you?'

He brought his cigarette down, "I've never heard your voice before. Who are you? How are you in my head?"

'You're correct. We've never met before. I was just a bit curious about FUG's thorn so I looked into it. I was wondering what my next course of action should be, after all.'

For a moment, the brunet nearly froze.

'Don't worry. I don't have an agenda. I'm just a little drifting fish who happened to feel this power. I know you gave FUG the needle but I can't have them giving it to the wrong master so I investigated a bit.' The man stared ahead, his gaze cold and unforgiving, 'Though, wouldn't it have been more efficient if you have him the needle yourself? You'll get to see what makes him so special too. Oh, goodbye.'

With the dim, blue flash of an emblem that represented waves and pearls, the voice disappeared, as though it was never there.

You sighed once you had cut the communication off, taking your hand off the crimson bichone after it's memories flooded into your mind and sending the blossom dyed the colors of the sea back into your inventory before opting to read a strategy book due to your poor energy levels. Without another second, you left in a flurry of bubbles, as though you were never there.

For now, you should get some rest first.

author's note

nahida in the 2.8 event had me screaming because that was so unexpected, I thought it was alice or someone else,, just not nahida 😭😭

in any case mc should have the powers of an archon in this world. . . probably. I think ei, nahida and eventually, the nameless hydro archon (god of justice), will be my primary inspirations for this

ei because inazuma, nahida because wisdom and god of justice because hydro

spiritchaser screen, the exquisite rackets are the ones that can be found in the eternal domain of fleeting dreams furnishing set, one of kokomi's favourites. the game itself is called hanetsuki

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