[Season 2] Chapter 47 - Now and Forevermore

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The rhythm of snores illuminated the room. You blinked, hands falling to your lap as you stared at Rak who had seemed to fall asleep, remnants of his unfinished chocolate bar in his claws.

It's not long later did Han Sung call you out to talk, mentioning something about a mirror of the end, "It was originally a mirror which can be encountered when a person clears all of the stages on that side. It allows heroes who have cleared all of the stages to go outside. But if data people left in this world try to look at themself in the mirror and get out, it deleted them."

"I see." You nodded, eyes flickering the children of Khun who stood by the side of your conversation with Han Sung, "Sir Eduan referred this plan to you."

"Hm," you stood in a moment of silence, a hand to your chin, "it's not feasible at all."

"Your enemy is near omniscient," You began, now speaking to the three children of Khun: Mascheny; Icardi; and Asensio, Boro, Sachi and Batis, "even if you were right in front of the mirror, he would know. Frankly, you'd be no different than sacrificial lambs."

Boro blinked, ". . . Isn't that what Baam would be if we fail?"

"Of course not, you didn't really think I would propose an unfair deal like that, did you?" A ringtone rang through the area and you took out your monitor, Baam's voice echoing out of it, "[Name], could you come outside right now with Khun and Rak?! There's something I want to practice with you. . .!"

"Alright, I'll see you there." You pocketed your monitor and glanced at your other comrades with a silent smile, "I have to go, but you all should rest for now. Don't do anything reckless."

The translucent blue shield glimmered under your feet, Baam, Khun and Rak standing with you upon it as Eduan stood on air across you. Khun held something reminiscent of a gel packet with a button in his hand, staring at it before he looked at Baam, ". . . What the hell is this? So. . . you want me to push this?"

"Yes!! It tells you the qualities and shape of shinsu that suits you!"

"I mean, I get that. But why do you want me to do this all of the sudden. . .?"

"Give it a try. Doesn't it seem unfair for me to do this alone?"

"I really don't mind if you do it by yourself. . ." Khun sighed, yelling when Rak snatched it away from him, "Hey!"

"What's taking so long blue turtle?!" And Rak thusly pressed the button, a stone shield of shinsu appearing above him, "Oh! What's that?!"

You passed the clicker to Baam, chuckling as Rak gazed at the shield in awe. Baam pressed the clicker, then came a certain familiar technique above him; an orb.

Eduan stared up at it, seemingly in deep, pensive awe, "Is that. . .?"

Baam passed the clicker to you and you pressed it easily, watching as the atmosphere dimmed as though an eternal night had come, the rough silver sphere above you casting reflections of moonlight phasing through tides upon the ground, the webs of light flickering like bubbles transcending to the ocean's surface. You blinked, once, twice before you nodded and passed the clicker to Khun.

"This is. . ." You watched the moon closely, smiling ever so quietly. Eduan glanced about, gaze stretching over the limitless lands and skies where clouds were no more and blinking dots glimmered. Baam stared at the silver sphere, "Is that the moon?"

With a smile typical to you, you nodded. Khun stared about before he saw you nodding at him, a knowing smile on your face, "Huh? Oh."

"Is it edible?"

Eduan then shook his head and turned to Khun, "Hey, what are you just standing there for? Hurry up and give it a try."

"Ugh, such a nuisance." Khun groaned, pressing the button anyway, very much unimpressed as a spear of ice appeared before his eyes, the night and all that it came with vanishing, replaced by the usual azure sky and fluffy clouds.

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