[Season 2] Chapter 13 - Misty Truth

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Yihwa stepped into the house, a despondent frown on her face. Goseng turned to her newly arrived teammate, “Oh! Yihwa, you're back early!”

“Yes. . .” Yihwa replied, taking her shoes off.

“How was meeting with your family?”

“Oh, well. . . it was ok.” Yihwa responded, placing her shoes by the door before she turned to the two dancing children playing a game, “They're still doing that?”

“I think they're into it. Don't worry, it's a form of exercise.” Goseng chuckled, following Yihwa's gaze. Yihwa walked over to the nearby kitchen, listening to Goseng's question as she reached the counter, “Do you want some watermelon?”

“It's ok, I'll just have a cup of water.”

Akraptor turned to the girl, tearing his focus away from the news he was reading, “You look gloomy, did something happen?”

“. . . Not at all.” Yihwa opened the cabinet and rumagged through the shelf of cups, taking one out as she asked, “And Ms. [Last name] and Mr. Viole? Are they out?”

“They went to see someone. Viole said they were going to the marketplace.” Akraptor replied. Yihwa whipped her head to the silver-haired man, anger dawning on her face, “And nobody followed after them?”

“He said they'd be back soon. Why would we?”

“Are you crazy!? How could you not care!?” Yihwa, with her glass of water stomped over to the man, tightly clutching her cup, “You know the rumors about them out there!! What if those rumors are true!?”

Akraptor gave a very unimpressed stare. Wangnan walked by, scratching his stomach with a yawn, “I don't think they're the type to do stuff like that.”

“Mr. Wangnan!?” Yihwa exclaimed. The boy lazily stood in-between Akraptor and Yihwa.

“Do you have any proof the rumors aren't true!?”

Wangnan placed a hand on his hip, “You know, now that I've spent time with them, they don't seem bad. . . they're gentle.”

He held up a finger, “And Viole let's us live in the house he rented! He even does an equal share of the housework! Moreover!! You're such a bad cook that [Last name] does your share of the cooking and she buys the groceries! And she helps you control your flames! And she repairs whatever—”

“I get it!! But they're FUG members!” Yihwa exclaimed, annoyed by Wangnan's monologues and Akraptor's incessant nods.

“Yeah, sure. But we like FUG members who can cook over a great family member who burns toast!” Wangnan waved over his shoulder, Akraptor nodded. Yihwa clenched her teeth, “You guys. . .!”

“All right!! If that's what you think, I'll be the only one keeping an eye on them!! If I catch them doing bad things, I'll take them down, and you guys along with them!!” Yihwa exclaimed, the glass cup of water in her hands exploding into glimmering fragments. She marched away— out of the house, screaming in anger, “Stupid people. . . no sense of security!! You just wait!! I'll soon reveal them!”

“Hey, Yihwa, where are you going again?” Goseng saw her out the door, "To catch [Last name] and Viole!!”

And the door banges shut. Wangnan glanced at the jar of cookies you made, “What a bad temper. . .”

You glanced around you as Viole led you around the residential area's marketplace, his hand tugging you along towards a staircase that led to the regular's karaoke. You turned to him, “This is where you agreed to meet?”

You received a nod, a latent expression of amusement across his face. Thus Viole dragged you down the stairs— “AAAAH!!”

You rushed downwards, shinsu by your feet and Viole close behind you, and by your vision was a large man about to hit Hwa Ryun, “Do you wanna die here!!?”

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