[Season 2] Chapter 28 - Lone Drifter

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Khun sighed as he waited for you or Baam to emerge from the Rice Pot, scrolling through his collection of photos of you in his pocket as he had been for the past week in waiting. He scrolled down the roll of photos— most of which were blurry, rushed shots, recalling each memory as a gentle smile grew on his face.

You yawned into your hand as you compiled all the directives you had written for the test. Khun brought his attention from his lighthouse to you, smiling a bit as always, “Are you tired, [Name]?”

You offered a quiet smile, a hand on your chest as your other rested on the pile of books, “Mm, no need to worry. I feel rather alright.”

“Here.” Khun gestured to the bed that he sat on, “I'll wake you up when we have to go so just rest for a bit. You've been watching over Baam too, right?”

You shook your head, “No really, there's no need for me to rest. I should deliver these first.”

“I can do that, and I insist,” Khun took your hand, pulling you down onto the bed to have you sit next to him, “You should just keep me company here. You're not going to leave me alone, are you?”

“. . . You haven't changed, Khun.”

Khun doesn't say a word more and soon enough, you were slumbering, head resting on his shoulder as small breaths escaped you. You don't have any clue of the amount of photos Khun took of you and he plans on keeping it that way.

When you woke up, you were across the bed tucked in with nothing left to do.

Khun thought back to your odd behavior ever since you've boarded  the Hell Train, how distant you've been at times. When he was conversing with you, there were times he felt as though you were staring pass him— something beyond what he could see. And when he turned back to check, there was nothing there.

He wonders if it has anything to do with the moments looked upon with favour that the guardian mentioned.

He wonders if he'll ever be able to see what you who walks on waters do. Fortunately for him, it's a week later do you emerge from the Rice Pot flying in air, with your destination in mind: the Floor of Death. Khun ran over to you, embracing you in a quick hug before holding you at arm's length. He then inspected you, seeing no significant difference or harm inflicted upon you. You offered a quiet smile— your eyes no longer hazed or reflective of turbulent tides and your voice holding a certain determined, unwavering tone, “I'm alright Khun.”

“. . . You sure took your time. Where's Baam?” Khun asked as Sachi and Boro walked over, listening in onto your conversation, “He's still with the guardian. Truthfully, I'm unaware when Baam will accomplish his current goal.”

“What happened it there?” Boro asked, “You don't look any different.”

You hummed, “Mm, the guardian had us search for something though there were many obstacles. That's all. As for whether or not Baam will not be led by false notions. . . only time will tell.”

It's an hour later does everyone finally sit back down. Khun stared at you, lowering his voice as he spoke, “[Name]. . . does ‘Baam woke up today. Energy plus four.’ sound familiar to you?”

Your gaze snapped to him, heat rushing to your cheeks as you stammered, “Ah, that's. . . that's just, um. . .”

Khun hid a smug smirk, “Is it important?”

“That's um. . . Where did you find that?”

“Back in the test floor, when I was searching for you, I ended up taking some of your books.” He admitted, taking out a familiar notebook from his lighthouse. And in his hands were your records of your energy fluctuations. With a quiet smile and no thoughts behind your eyes— “Give. It. Now.”

pearl of wisdomTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon