[Season 2] Chapter 27 - In the Desolate Hallway

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"This place. . ." Baam looked down to the boiling crimson acid, a thin path right in the middle of the arena, "must be the stage to proceed to the next floor."

"If we pass the test here, we'll be able to stay in this train on the next floor too. If we fail we'll be sent to the inner tower of this floor." You explained, glancing down at the bubbling acid then to the enemy of the stage, whisps of blue flickering in and out of your vision, much like a ghost. Briefly, you wonder if anyone else can see it through the piercing trepidation in your veins.

"I see. . . so this must be the place that man was talking about."

You nodded, glancing at a ghost from which raw, desperate whispers for survival came from. Your eyes flickered back to your comrades who remained undisturbed, "I suppose that's the enemy we must defeat in order to clear this stage."

"That's Yokim. It should be a bit tricky to deal with it for the first time." Sachi approached the three of you with Boro next to him, "You guys should get some rest. There are so many things we'd like to hear from you but let's do that after we clear this stage."

Another hiss from the afterimage- "Leave. You shouldn't be here."

"I understand your concern but I suggest that we take this opportunity to make Baam grow and have him fight Yokim all alone. It may be dangerous but the fact is that our survival now relies on how well he can match Hoaqin who would've gotten even strong in a month from now. We can't afford to avoid danger." You placed a hand on your chest, "So for the next month Baam should do all the fighting alone. Of course, I'll still be watching over his physical condition."

"[Name]-" Baam attempted to reason, stepping closer to you. You stared at him blankly, any trace of emotion gone with the wind, "Did you forget why we're here, Baam?"

"I. . . need to chase Rachel."

"You seek to return things to the way it once was, but have you considered all you are losing by remaining in that cave for all eternity?" You crossed your arms, a pounding throb in your mind as you continued, "Have you considered the people you'll hurt? The enemies you'll make?"

You then turned to the other regulars with you, "Don't think none of you have to work to do either. The rest of you will need to get stronger as well before they resurrect White."

"What. . . are you talking about?"

"I'm sure you've heard of Slayer White, yes?" You continued when you received multiple nods, "He's formed by Hoaqin and his other siblings. After commiting too many atrocities, he was subdued by a Princess of Zahard who had enough of his grievances. Because of that incident, White had to split into his composite souls again in the this train but to do so they needed a lot of sacrifices. Ultimately, they failed and were sealed away in an unstable condition. That's all I know."

"How- how could a slayer be at a place like this!? I thought that the current slayers are mostly asleep right now. . . !" Baam shouted. You threw him a glance, "I assume that White hid here to regain his power and resurrect after losing his power in the battle with the princess."

Though Mr. Daniel should've found a way to keep them apart for now. . .

"Perhaps this match has been set for his resurrection. . . if that's the case we might have been placed very far away from them. . ." Your gaze fell onto the floor before you stared at your comrades. Khun shook his head, "Are you serious!?"

"Yes. Nevertheless, you all have to hone your abilities. Garner your strength for battle, we have to act before the situation escalates."

Hoaqin is just a slayer nominee right now. . . if he merges with his sibling, they'll resurrect White. . . and yet. . . why hasn't he found all his siblings? Could there be some internal conflicts. . .?

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