[Season 2] Chapter 19 - Faraway Solicitude

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After reaching a conclusion with the rest of the gamblers on how to proceed with the Workshop Battle, you received a message from Viole- the words displayed on your pocket, 'Meet me at the party tonight.'

With a sigh you picked up your pace and went to his location, your dark colored dress fluttering behind you, heels clicking against the ground. In the next few minutes, you stood by a vantage point that towered over the party, Viole guiding you to a boy who wore a red cap. Beta turned to face you two, "Yo! Welcome, the completed ones. I'm Beta, an ignition weapon like you."

He turned to Viole, a grin on his face, "Did you find me with Emily?"

Emily. . . the ignition weapon. . . ? You watched Beta and Viole converse.

"Yes, this is the place where you can keep an eye on the place you input into Emily." Viole took your hand into his, pulling you forward along with him. Beta stared down at the guards, "You're smart. Look at them, they trust the data I input into Emily and go there without a second thought. Isn't it funny?"

"Why are they chasing after you?"

"Because I came out of the house. I'm like a runaway. I was bored being stuck in there. I wanted to join the Workshop Battle like you both. And why did you come to see me?" Beta peered over his shoulder, his gaze hidden behind bandages landing Viole, "I wanted to ask you something. About the demon in us."

Beta chuckled, hopping off the ledge, closer to you as you felt his gaze focus on you, "Us? That's funny. Where's your demon? You have a replica of the needle but not a demon?"

"What?" Viole's eyes flickered to you, then back to Beta. You crossed your arms, very much unimpressed by Beta's words, "FUG recently gave me a replica of the needle, an ignition weapon, however I don't have a demon in me. But when you say replica. . ."

"You can't ignite it. It's not the real one, FUG put it in for you to get used to it. The workshop has the real one and FUG wants you with the real one in." Beta pointed to the horizon, "The real needle, is in that water stadium. If you get the ticket to the final tournament you can go inside the water stadium. And there you'll find the needle."

Beta shot you a grin, "Do you want to know how to get the needle without belonging to FUG? It's easy. Just steal it."

“Steal. . . the needle . . .?” Viole trailed off. Beta nodded, “Yes. Three gamblers participated in this workshop battle by FUG's orders. While [Last name]'s fighting Mad Dog, they'll eliminate you and all your teammates.”

You hummed, corssing your arms, a finger on your chin, “I see. Then it's safe to say that there are rankers planted by FUG in the Archimedes.”

“Correct. You have no way out unless you steal the needle.” Beta tossed you a small, short shining rod the length of a pen, “Here. It's the other key to get to where the needle is. I stole it from the workshop.”

FUG must be working with him to try and melt me into the needle. . .

“While the game is going on come to where the needle is. I'll be waiting for you there.” You stared at him, long and hard behind your mask— “. . . Merely staying in the water stadium has its own implications. What do you gain from helping us?”

“What do I gain?” He grinned cynically— the expression he had reminiscent of the darkness that enshrouded Enkanomiya, “I get. . . to see the completed one.”

He then left soon after those words.

"[Name]. . ."

You raised your hand, gently ruffling his hair, his golden gaze peering through your mask everytime he looked at you, "You have somewhere you need to go. Focus on protecting your teammates tomorrow, Viole."

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