[Season 2] Chapter 29 - Broken Blade

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"Welcome everyone!" Poro shouted. He glanced downwards, towards the abyss and the tangle of pipes typically found in the Hell Train's engine rooms- it's core glowing and whirring whilst radiating heat, much like a dim, crimson artificial sun, "This is the stage for the second round of the Dallar Show!"

Baam followed your gaze, "O-oh."

"We are in the Hell Train's 74th motor sector!"

"Motor sector. . . is it some kind of engine?" Khun asked, his voice faint to year ears. You nodded curtly, "That's right. These engines are rather. . . bright."

Could this be another trap. . .?  I best prepare

"Let me explain about the game you will be playing at this place! Having 30 dallars on the line, you will be playing a game called Transferring the Sweetfish!"

You glanced at the shinhueh floating behind your shoulder, having attached itself to you when Khun had let it go. Khun eyed the fish, "Transferring the Sweetfish. . .?"

"It's a game where you literally need to transfer the sweetfish to the destination! Viole's team, who's holding the sweetfish in their hands at the moment have to transfer the sweetfish safely into the core which is at the center of the motor sector through pipes." Poro explained, "The core is the red sphere you can see in the center of those pipes! If Viole's team manages to make the sweetfish get there alive, Viole's team wins. Of Hoaqin's team kills it before it arrives, Hoaqin's team wins."

"Starting now, participants from each team will make a group of one to three and be transferred into the pipes. Each group should either kill or protect the fish as they go through the pipes. The fish belong's to Khun's group since he earned it last round. And if regulars happen to bump into each other in the same pipe, they may take dallars away from each other by fighting. By using the dallars you earned during the game, you may open and close the doors that connect pipes." You glanced at your vision, clasping a hand over the game as you listened to Poro, knowing well that your team would be separated one way or another.

"If a group used 15 dallars to lock a door, the opposing team must use a higher amount of dallars to open the door. One more thing-" As the conductor explained how dallars will be calculated, you turned to Baam, taking your vision off your chest and outstretching it to him, "Here, take it for now."

Baam pushed your fingers onto the gem, holding your fist in his hands, "But. . . that's important to you."

Khun glanced over, "[Name]!?"

"It is. . . but in my book, it still is just a symbol. Perhaps it truly is a divine gift for those who don't have faith, but to those who have faith-" You placed your sapphire colored gem encrusted in gold onto Baam's palm, "- it's just a badge. Keep it on you."

"No, I won't-"

"The second round of the Dallar Show, Transferring the Sweetfish will now begin! Good luck to the participating regulars!"

You offered a quiet smile before all was gone, "Stay safe."

When you could see and your body felt the shinsu around you once more, you were met with a giant fish eye. The sweetfish turned in coils around you- much like a dancing fish. With a sigh, Khun pried the shinhueh away from you before smiling at you, "Looks like we have to protect the sweetfish together, [Name]."

You nodded plainly, placing a hand on your chest, glancing between your two teammates, "Let's move out."

Thus you led the sweetfish into the pipes.

- -

"Is someone inside?" Hanwool asked as he pushed the door open to antoher pipe. Buelsar, alerted, whipped his gaze to the newcomers, "Uh. . .? You are. . .?"

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