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Exclusively Lesbianism

After a while Akira got out of the grip her girlfriend had on her. She gave a smile as she looked at the woman and the cat, which had curled up right next to her. It was such a peaceful scenery. She leaned down a bit as she kissed her forehead and brushed a strand of hair out of her face. She all did this in absolute awe due to the shier beauty of her lover.

*Hoshi purred softly and opened his eyes a little, eyeing Akira as she moved from her spot. He let out the softest mew as the tip of his tail flicked.*

The woman gave a small huff as she leaned forward and kissed his forehead as well. With that also came some good long strokes along his spine.

*The black cat purred louder as he laid on the woman's side. His tail still tapped against Zatsu, but mostly because he was enjoying the affection.*

The woman gave a smile as she tapped the cat now with her hand. "Take care of her alright, I have some unfinished business." She gave a small giggle at the huge amount of black fur the cat had.

*Hoshi gave a soft mew in response as he looked up at the woman.*

"I'll be back in a while...with breakfast." She hummed as she patted his head. The woman then lifted her body up to get properly cleaned and dressed. 'Well well well....never thought I'd be doing that..'

*The cat eyed her as she left but had no hesitation into snuggling up with his creator.*

Akira came back to the bed after 30 minutes. She was now dressed in a black vest and black pants. Multiple necklaces were around her neck as she looked down at both of them. She leaned forward to give the woman a small goodbye kiss before doing the same for the palisman. She gave a small smile as she lifted her body up, and black dark green mist covered her body teleporting her to her destination.

*The cat lifted his head up and looked around.*

When the palisman did so the room was empty. It was quiet and peaceful as the morning sun was shining I'm the room through a slit between the curtains.

*Hoshi sat up from his sitting position. He gave a big stretch before looking around the now empty room.*

His bones cracked for a second but nothing else happened as the cat stretched his other let's as well. After he did so he shook before his ear twitched at last. Now he was all ready for the day.

*Hoshi turned to his creator. He nudged her cheek, reciting his usual morning retrial. Zatsu gave a soft whine of complaint, but that didn't stop the palisman.*

The big cat gave a loud meow try to get the attention of the woman. The cat then bit on her shirt collar and pulled at it. While he did so he climbed on the chest of the woman.

*The alchemist gave a groan as she shooed at the cat.* "Okay, okay, Hoshi...I'm up..." *She yawned, clearing aggravated at the rude awakening.*

The palisman jumped next to her as he pulled at her sleeve, giving loud meows. The cat jumped from one side to the other as his creator pulled the sleeve away. After a short while the cat jumped down at she now sat at the edge of the bed.

*Zatsu yawned as she rubbed her eyes.* "Why do you choose to be the loudest in the fucking moron?" *The alchemist sneered at her palisman, only to receive an innocent face in response.*

The cat gave a low meow as he brushed against her leg for a second. He then turned away as his tail moved upwards. The tip of it moved a bit as the cat obviously waited for her to get up.

*The midnight haired woman sighed and rose to her feet. Her eyes examined the quiet, empty room.* -Akira left? She didn't mention needing to leave yesterday...wonder where she went?- *Giving the thought not much attention, Zatsu turned to her palisman with a smile.* "How about we go get you some breakfast, Hoshi?" *She asked as she leaned down and scratched behind his ear.*

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