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Akira gave a whine as she felt something piercing through her head. Or more like growing out of it and her elbows. It looked like horns of a young deer as well as some small owl-like wings just above her ears. She screamed in pain for a few more seconds until it seemed to stop.

Her green eyes were now absolutely grey with her black hair holding grey strands now longer and braided. Her black nails have become a soft grey as well as her skin with big dark grey spots. A haze over her head and over half of her face with a floating crown towering above it. The crown made out of silver, and it looked like birds were captured in it holding up shining crystals. An equally shining ring behind her made out of silver and decorated with ivy leave out of the purest of crystals. Floating lightly in the air over the destroyed wall as well as a bit smaller than Alatus. Her voice sounded as if two people were speaking in since at the same time, Akira and another woman with a darker and more powerful voice. "Whomst has awakened the ancient one? I have rested in the vessel for so long, captured by human filth and betraying their gods. You who stand before me, identify or perish!" a huge arrow made out of bright light yellow light with green marking appeared in her left hand, which she had lifted up.

Alatus' eyes narrowed at her, yet he expressed no fear. "Alatus." He said calmly. "And I am just the same as you."

She narrowed her eyes at him, barely visible under the veil. "Then why are you attacking me Alatus? In this point we wouldn't be equal." She stepped before and a silver leaf formed under her bare foot. The semi God snipped to gently clear up the weather making the last bits of sun shine through the sky.

"Because, unlike you're poor attempts, I'm setting us free," he snapped, "Humans are not meant to keep gods and demons trapped and bound for their own play things. We once RULED over them! Whose to say we can't rule again."

The woman sat down on another silver ivy leaf. "Well, then tell me about this world we once ruled? It used to be paradise when I was one of the twelve apostle. But as I look upon the world now I see nothing but destruction. Judging by your powers you are the cause of that. So what is the reason for destroying your own temple or what building used to tower over these lands." She ended looking at him with a skeptical glance.

"I never destroyed my temple," he glared at her, "True my temple was destroyed, but it was humans that did it. That's why I am bound to this one."

She gave their surroundings a glance "But it does not look like you are taking good care of your last one?" She stepped around the ruin tapping some stones with her foot. This made ivy grow over it. "It looks pathetic. I can barely sense any followers around here. Now answer me, what god are you supposed to be Alatus?" Her soft grey eyes looked over to him again.

The creature chuckled. "My name is Azrail. Alatus was the man that destroyed my temple, bounding me to his body." He grinned. "I am the god of death, ruling over imps and misdeeders."

"Azrail...interessant. It is truly amazing to see another God here." The goddess looked down herself for a second. "But I guess we in the same boat here. It is embarrassing to be limited to such a body." She gave a chuckle. "There my name is Selene but some humans call me Artemis..choose whatever you like better. Goddess of the moon and hunting. It is surprising that so much time has passed." She looked at the man silently. Thinking about what to do next.

"Indeed," Azrail nodded. "It is quite embarrassing."

"Don't people not worship us anymore? Did they stray away from the rightful path?" She asked now more interested in the world than the destruction and fighting in the background.

"I assume not," Azrail shook his head, "But that will soon change. I'll see to that."

"Sounds good to me." She stepped up some ivy stairs up to him. "Is there any chance I can get my old form back? And all the other stuff?" She asked. 

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang