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The man looked at the man as words blubbered out of him uncontrollably. He looked at the man as he felt so stupid, helpless and weak. He couldn't believe anything that had happened. It was like he was in a different reality. His words were unintelligible as they just flowed out of him with whines combined.

*Keigo carefully put a hand on Tomura's shoulder.* "Woah, hey, hey! Easy, Tomura!"

The albino immediately flinched under the touch as his eyes darted at the hand. The eyes had turned into slits as he stepped away but he tripped over his own feet as soon as he took the third step.

*Swiftly, the golden guard grabbed Tomura. He guided Tomura down into a sitting position on the stairs behind them.* "Easy...it's okay. Tell me what's going on. Slowly this time..."

The man got a bit of distance between them as he leaned against the wall. He sniffed as he curled up the best he could. His still slit eyes looked at the other man as he bit down his own lips and chewed on them to try and calm himself down. While he did so his hand went from his sleeve to his arm and slowly scratched it. But nevertheless he stayed silent as his eyes went slowly to the floor.

*Keigo's wings folded behind his back. He tried to piece together what had happened to Tomura to make him act such ways. Seeing as how Dabi wasn't there with him, he assumed something had happened between the two of them.* "Does...this have to do with the fight earlier?"

The alchemist gave a small nod. He bit on his lips as he was slowly but surely biting off the skin on it. 'It was the fight...right?!..it has to be...it was just so cruel...' he thought as his crimson eyes were still clued to the ground.

*The Phoenix gave a sigh.* "Look...even I have to say, some of what happened could've been handled more...subtly. Most of that wasn't planned, especially you being there and all the deaths. And, I admit, Dabi went too far. Even if it was just to protect you or anyone else. He did have the right to kill all those people..."

The man felt frozen in place. He gave a small whine as he pulled his hands over his head, trying to hide from the world. Deep down he knew that Dabi would never kill him or be so mindless. But on the other hand, it was scary. He acted just like the dragons in all those books who kill with no remorse or thought. It made his heart ache.

*Keigo hesitated before spreading his wings around Tomura, allowing them to help hide the alchemist.* "I'm sorry...all this happened to you. You shouldn't have to deal with all of this, especially in your condition. You should be happy and do what you want to do, not suffering from all of this!"

"I-I-" He gave him a short glance. He then lightly leaned into the wings. The big red wings blocked more of the light. The fact that it was darker in there and the dark would hide most of his flaws made him feel some sort of comfort. His head pressed against one of the wings as he muttered "He almost killed me." while looking at the wing.

*Keigo's blood went cold. He couldn't help but stare blankly at the man.* -Dabi...almost killed him?- "But...he loves you! H-He wouldn't..." -Would he?...-

Tomura's lips quivered as he looked at the phoenix man "Right?! He loves me!!...right?" his voice was almost a hush as all the cruel pictures came before his eyes again for a second. His body which had just sort of relaxed curled up again.

"Tomura, he loves you with all of his heart..." *Keigo carefully pat his head.* "You're his everything...He wouldn't hurt you on purpose." -I don't think...-

The alchemist looked at him. But instead of flinching or trying to get distance like the last times, he hugged the man. He curled up against him as his arms covered his head. He was not crying at this point but he sure he was close. 'How..how could he...I-I never did anything wrong...did I?'

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