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After Tomura had given the herbs to his Master he was now back in his room laying in bed. He starred at the dark blue ceiling which had the night sky on them, he was so proud of his work. It was a pleasant memory, his master and him taking a break renovating his room since he needed a new one. I let out a smile as he turned on the mattress. 'How does he know me. I've been with Master my entire life, haven't I?' The question bothered him since he cannot recall anything before he got to master and even those memories are just a fog in his mind. It felt like the only thing written in stone were knowledge about alchemy and how to take care of Paxle if his Master had to go somewhere. Though she always avoided going out unnecessarily. But still he couldn't shake the thought of that this dragon felt weirdly familiar, but every time he tried to find out why his brain was just blank. 'It all started with those headaches...with the scale...' The alchemist closed his eyes. 'Why is this so difficult.'

*Dabi wandered through the small area. No matter what, he fought tooth and nail to keep it safe. It was the only place he knew of that Tomura enjoyed. The first time he ever saw the man smile. That smile stuck in his brain, like a month drawn to a lamp. He hated it sometimes. Especially like just now. How his sympathy and care got in the way of his demeanor.*

He laid there, the voice coming back as a whisper in the wind. Still, he understood nothing, but the voice felt familiar. Tomura felt sick of this, sick of this unknown familiarity. He pushed his head in the pillow, letting the voice crackle down onto him like rain. He tried his best to understand, but every time he tried to focus on it, it got a little bit quieter, making this impossible.

*The dragon finally decided to lay the coat down on the field of grass. It wasn't too far away from the flowers and secured down by a rock. Dabi felt himself smile slightly, but that smile didn't last long. He, at this point, didn't know what he was feeling. Tomura didn't even know who he was! They hadn't even been away for that long, and he already forgot? It hurt.*

The pale man looked around, having the voice as his company. 'At least I'll never be fully alone..' he thought, turning slowly in bed again, thinking about the day, thinking about Dabi. His sad and hurt expression as he asked him who he was, and the formal bow after that, completely not his behavior like before. He gazed upon his ceiling and the stars. He could only let out a sigh. He hated the state he was currently in. Too tired to work but not tired enough to sleep, his brain won't let him. 'How did my life change that fast...way too fast in the last days.'

*The half-breed hopped up into the tree. His tail swayed on the opposite side of the branch, but it was only on instinct. He hated this feeling of such doubt and loneliness. Dabi had never felt it before, not even after he left his siblings.*

'That dragon...I need to talk to him.' The alchemist jerked up. He knew he would only get answers if he went to the root of this problem, even if it is a damn cocky dragon. He grabbed the packed backpack and wrote a note fast which he put at his Master's drug glass since he was sure she'll use it by the end of the day. Tomura then teleported back to the entrance of the forest. 'Looks like I have to be more careful with my alchemy now, I barely have any left and I won't be able to teleport back.' He breathed in and entered the forest not knowing where to start the search but hoping he might find some Cicifrons on the way while being accompanied by the low voice.

*A soft tune erupted from the dragon's throat. He recalled it from many years ago, when he was just learning how to walk. The figure who sang the said song was hazy, but one thing stood out. Her pure, snowy white hair. It lay calm along her shoulders and draped down as wavy as a river. Dabi sighed. That was the most he could remember of his mother and he hated it was only that much. When he heard a set of footsteps somewhere off in the distance, the tune came to a faded halt.

*Tomura has been walking around the forest for some time now getting frustrated "How the fuck can a creature that big be so hard to find. And even if I should be able to smell his burnt skin and ego from 2km upwind." It didn't make the situation better that he hasn't found any Cicifrons. "Fuck." the man kicked a stone against a tree. "Stupid forest..stupid Dabi!" he cursed under his breath.

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