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*Dabi looked back at his winged friend. Anxiety and nervousness ate at his stomach, causing a deep pit to form. But, all in all, he took a deep breath and quietly went in. He walked about halfway to the bed and rubbed his arm.* "Uhm...Tomura. I um...made you some food...and Keigo helped. Somewhat, but he still helped." *The half-breed had no clue why he was stuttering and stammering so much. It just hurt trying to talk to the man. After taking a breath, Dabi continued.* "I know this will seem pointless...but I wanted to apologize. For what happened. I didn't mean for any of that to happen. Honest, I didn't! I just...I don't know what came over me." *The man took a breath.* "A-All I wanted to say is that I'm sorry...and Keigo and I made you some food. You should come eat." *When the man got no answer, Dabi gave a heavy sigh as he stepped back.* "Right. I'll uh...be around...I love you..." *With that, Dabi left silently.*

The alchemist remained under the pillow for a few more seconds. He then finally looked out to see and smell the delicious food. It made his hunger gett even intense. He gave a smile as he saw some garlic breed as a side dish. The man took the tray and slid it closer to him as he munched on the food.

Keigo gave him a small shoulder pat. "You can try to join him this evening. I am sure he'd want to stay warm at night." He rubbed his back in a circular motion. "It'll be alright. You can do this." He gave a soft hum after it while smiling at the man.

"Heh. Don't give me that bullshit." *Dabi hummed as he waved a dismissive hand to Keigo as he walked away.* "I'm going to go do some work. Go see if you can sleep or something. Just...don't make a mess."

"Sure, just check on your mate later alright?" He tilted his head and received a hum as the dragon king walked off. He gave a sigh as he turned and muttered. "He just needs a little more time." Before leaving so that Dabi and Tomura could both do their stuff.

The alchemist continued his meal as he was very happy with it. After he finished he put the tray on the bedside table. He gave a smile as he returned under the blanket. This time not to rest or talk with the baby but rather think. Thinks about Dabi, his words and actions.

*The half-breed went straight to the study room, collapsing in the chair as soon as he made it to the desk. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a groan.* -I guess I could check on the house...but that won't be too far along...What else is there to even do? We did most everything before we all left.-

The man laid under the blanket. He had to say, now he felt as safe as he did in Dabi's embrace. He gave a small sigh as he lifted his body up after a while. He was unable to sleep or think of anything else. He wanted to hug someone, maybe Dabi...he just didn't want to be alone anymore. He can be alone but then he usually works but now. He was bored and alone. His head peeked up from under the blanket. His eyes wandered around the room. He gave a small sigh as he wrapped the blanket around him while standing on the ground. He didn't know really what to do now, he was too lazy to get dressed and he didn't want to be alone and bored anymore. He gave a small sigh as he opened the door and started walking through the halls. He had no clear destination but he guessed that his feet will carry him around for a while.

*The half-breed blew a few strands of hair out of his face. He then sat up properly and began to read through random worksheets and applications or forms that were on the desk.* -Boring...Laws...Building process...- *The dragon gave a heavy sigh as he stacked the papers neatly. About twenty minutes later, he finished. Now incredibly bored, he flipped through a few pieces of blank paper as he began scribbling down some ideas for baby cribs and stuffed animals for Coí. This didn't exactly clear his bored, but it did make him smile.*

The alchemist walked around the building. He was unsure where he should go or why he even left his room at this point. He then looked around as he heard footsteps approaching. The man was sure that it was at least 5pm, therefore rather late. The albino turned his head to look at the person.

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz