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*Since he had already been heading to her room, Keigo perked up when he heard Akira's screams. At first, he thought nothing of it, but then he found it weird that they were coming from Zatsu's room. And Akira was screaming Zatsu's name. So, being the dumb, curious blonde he was, Keigo decided to continue his way to the alchemist's room. When he opened the door, his eyes landed on Akira as she sat beside Zatsu's broken, lifeless body. Keigo's heart dropped as he stared at the body of his best friend as she now lay dead in her own blood. When he saw the flowers, he felt sick.* -She...She was infected?...- *Tears filled his eyes as he rushed to her bed and felt along her neck for a pulse. He prayed over and over again in his mind that he wasn't too late. When he felt even the smallest wave of warmth, he scooped the alchemist up and turned to Akira as she scream at him.* "She's still here." *He hissed coldly, tears slipping out of his eyes.* "Barely, but here. There's a change we can still save her! But I'm NOT going to just stand by and watch my best friend DIE!" *The Phoenix stepped back, holding the blood and flower covered body close.* "Hurry up if you're going to come." *With that being said, he took up, literally flying down the hallway with Zatsu in his arms. He flew straight for the throne room.*

Akira felt paralysed as Zatsu was taken away from her. She only saw blood on her arms and hands, the bed and floor. Her mind was too loud as her hands shook when she looked down at them. Sudden flashbacks hit her of that day. The same position, the same little girl, with blood covering her arms. Her arms went to her hair as she was trying to come back to her senses. Her yes moved to the opened door as she fell from the bed. She yelped in pain as she landed on her back. Within seconds her eyes looked around the room as she felt her heartbeat in her bleeding arms, the pain helped her stay conscious in some soft as she sat up with her weak body. 'She's alive, she's alive, she's alive!' she told herself over and over to keep herself in that state as she limped towards the door.

*As soon as Keigo arrived to the throne room, he immediately started to look for Tomura. He knew that Akira was nowhere near the right mind to handle this, if she even could, but Tomura could. He had brought Dabi back to life after all. And, although he hated asking the king for help with something this big, he couldn't risk losing someone this close to him. Finally, the Phoenix spotted Tomura.* "TOMURA!" *He hollered, his voice in high alert, as he landed on the ground and rushed over to him through the crowd of people, who were staring at the two Golden guards, once known as the indestructible protection often kingdom, now one was seemingly dead and the other had tears rolling down his face.*

Tomura stood up from the throne as he snipped to teleport to the man. The people took a step back as Tomura's eyes recognized the woman. "What happened?" he asked as he brought a cloud of crimson ad black fog under her to inspect the woman. He felt a weak and barely noticeable heartbeat.

"I-I'm not entirely sure." *Keigo said in a worried tone.* "I...Fuck!" *The bird's wings puffed up as different waves of emotions hit him all at one. He rubbed his eyes and explained everything about the flowers. Well, as much as Zatsu had told him sometime in their past. Definitely not nearly as much as Akira knew, but it was somewhat helpful to Tomura. But, what Keigo said next really surprises the alchemist.* "A-Akira was in the room with her. I heard her screaming when I was going to talk to Zats about what happened here. I-I don't know why, but she was crying. Like sobbing until she couldn't breathe crying."

Tomura looked at him for a split second 'Master... crying?!...what the hell...' he shook it off. He needed to concentrate on the woman now. "Since the flower thing has killed her by coughing, I should open her up to take it out and take care of the rest.." he spoke not paying attention to his surroundings. He teleported some vials next to him. With a yellow glowing substance her washed his hands focused on the woman. 'She has probably lost a lot of blood and energy...this will be extremely risky...'

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن