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*The next morning, Dabi had woken up before Tomura had. He was still in his human form and now in the opposite side of the bed than Tomura had been on. The dragon stretched, like a cat, and yawned, looking around the room. Most of it had been lit up by the sun's bright light, even with the curtains closed. Dabi looked over at Tomura and smiled softly when he saw him sleeping peacefully. Carefully, the small creature crawled over and nudged his cheek before biting the covers and dragging them further onto the alchemist. He then boobed his cheek before hopping off the bed and looking around the room.*

Tomura may have not shown it to the small creature but he was in his drowsing on the bed, half awake thing he had. But now he did not want to bother him. 'He can do just fine on his own.' the man told himself falling now fully back asleep

*The dragon wandered around the room a few times, getting to know the area. He figured that he might as well explore, knowing he'll only be here for so long. With that in mind, he nudged the doors open, too lazy to turn back into a human and open them himself, and trotted out. Honestly, he wasn't surprised how luxurious the house looked. It was owned by a group Tomura called "the council", so he knew that it must have been a huge organization. The small creature continued down the hallway. He eventually ended up in Tomura's lab instead of the lower area downstairs. Curiously, Dabi began to explore. There wasn't much there that wasn't there at his old house. Expect everything looked newer and the stars were missing from the roof, which he definitely missed. Shaking the thought from his head, Dabi exited the room and began to explore once again.*

Tomura woke up again after a while and stretched himself. As he heard the satisfying cracks in his back he stood up. 'Well I guess it's time to get out of that old stuff...and maybe wash my face.' the man teleported to his bathroom and locked the door again. He went to wash his face and do his business. As he entered the closet, he decided that he was feeling a little extra today. He got a white shirt which exposed half of his chest with some longer lose grey pants and black boots, the ones that would make loud noises when he'd walk anywhere. After that he tied his upper hair in a ponytail and decorated it with a silver clip. With that also a silver necklace. He looked at himself in the mirror in his room and decided he looked good. Tomura teleported in front of Kai's door and knocked 3 times.

*A soft him came from the other side. It sounded quite exhausted and dry.*

Tomura opened the door to see the man hovering over his table looking in a book. The raven was still by his side but even it had messed up feathers. Tomura closed the door behind him gently and walked closer. "You look exhausted Kai, what have you been doing?" He was genuinely curious and somewhat worried.

*Kai didn't immediately respond. Shi looked over at the albino alchemist and flew over to him, nudging his head slightly. The brunette then sighed before answering.* "Just working. Why?"

Tomura watched the bird as it then sat down on his shoulder. 'His bird....it doesn't look that good and it's around him 24/7 which means he might be in the same or even a worse condition.' He came closer to the man and asked "For how long? The entire night? When was the last time you have eaten or drunk anything?"

*Kai shooed his hands away when he went to touch him.* "Stop worrying about me, Tomura. I'm fine; I can take care of myself just fine."

The man rolled his eyes. "Obviously not. Look at yourself and Shi. Both of you are in horrible condition, Shi even has messed up feathers and stiff feathers." He paused and inspected the man's profile. "And I am pretty sure those eye bags did not came from nothing." He crossed his arms over his chest, hoping Kai would be reasonable for once.

*Instead of giving Tomura the answer he wanted, Kai shook his head simply.* "I'm fine. Besides, I'm too close on this to stop now. I have to finish."

Tomura gave Shi a short side look before chains came out of nowhere and wrapped around Kai. Fog formed under him to form a wall as Tomura made a few quick steps forward and grabbed the man's face with one hand and inspected it for a few seconds before sighing. "You're clearly overworked. You can't form anything useful in your state. You can't even escape these weak chains."

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon