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*Zatsu sighed softly and ran her hand through her hair.* "You've got to stop letting your guard down, Zatsu." *The woman scolded her as she stood up and slipped her top and coat back on, angered that she had easily let Akira get away with what she did. Of course, she knew she did it just to tease and fuck with the darker haired alchemist: that was what pissed her off more. She figured every bit of what she was doing, and she still let Akira do what she did.*

Akira let out a groan. 'Get your shit together... you've got more important stuff to do.' she went over and continued working with the condensed purple fog.

*The alchemist let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head as she walked into her hidden room.* -Don't let other's take advantage of you.- *She told herself coldly as she started to work again.*

Akira let out a satisfied sigh as she had high concentrated purple fog in a vial. 'Huh, now you can go to hell.' she gave a grin as she put the vial in one of her pockets. 'But let's get a snack first...' she stepped out of her room.

*Zatsu now was sitting at her desk. She held the bike full of purple fire that had been mixed in with a clear substance. The base of the fire was now a lighter pink color. The midnight haired alchemist smiled a little. She picked up the white rose as she carefully rested the vile on the vile rack and tore off three petals gingerly, shredding them to small bits.*

Akira got some coffee from the kitchen. For a second she stared at some cookies for a few seconds. "Do you need anything miss?" A kitchen lady asked. Akira looked at her and sighed. "A tray." She bowed and brought it without asking any questions. Akira took a mug, milk, sugar and some cookies on plates. She put them on the tray and teleported the tray away. She sighed as she dipped her coffee 'What am I even thinking.' she left the kitchen to go to the garden.

*When the petals were shredded, Zatsu carefully removed the small, colorful ball of fire and placed it on a glass container where it spread out evenly. She carefully dropped two pieces of the petals into the flames and watched as their beautiful white turned into a runny black. Once the ooze had disappeared, Zatsu swiftly covered the container and set it to the side.* "And now we wait." *She sighed, listening as Hoshi hopped into the desk. Since she wasn't needed today, other than the few moments with Dabi's "mishap", the alchemist knew she'd probably just stay cooped up in her chamber all day.* "How have I not gotten used to it?" *She asked herself, holding a hand above her head.* "Am I truly going insane?"

At this moment a tray with coffee, sugar, milk and some cookies teleported on her table.

*Hoshi looked over at it. He meowed softly and trotted over to it, circling the tray and smelling it.*

*Zatsu looked over from where she was hanging her head off her chair. Curiously, she sat up and shooed her palisman away from the tray.* "Strange. Where did this come from?" -Both the kings...well, the royals are busy. Tomura might even be asleep. Akira's working...so who?-

Akira sat on a stone looking into the garden. She took out her pipe and sighed "What drove me to do that?" She asked herself taking in a sip of the intoxicating smoke. She tried to find some way in her brain. After a while she decided to just leave it at 'I wanted to fuck with her.'

*Zatsu examined the tray that had appeared out of nowhere.* -It doesn't seem poisoned...-

The woman leaned back, she didn't want to go back and work. So she just decided to stay out and some some light stuff.

*Curiously, Zatsu lifted the cup of coffee and took a sip. It was dark, but had a light sweetness to it. She hummed softly as she took another sip.* -So what if it's poisoned? This shit is amazing!-

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя