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*The half-breed had had trouble sleeping throughout the night. Both of his sons were still laying against him, Tadashi gripping onto his shirt seemingly for dear life while Kazuki was cuddling into his wing. Dabi's eyes were glued to the window as he lost his grip on reality, watching the sun come up. He wasn't used to the house being this silent, and it was sort of disturbing to him. Of course, naturally, he'd still be asleep at this time. This time was different. The events from the other day had him worried, worried for Coí and worried for Tomura. But there wasn't much he himself could do.*

The alchemist woke up in his bed. His eyes stared into the void of the black carpet. He noticed no heat around him, so no Dabi. 'I should look after Coí...she should be better.. normally.' he knew from previous times that even if she was shaky and had a hard time moving and walking she always recovered enough after her nightly sleep. Enough for her to be conscious again. But the man wasn't so sure about it this time. He hugged himself under the blanket but still felt cold. After what felt like forever he managed to sit up in the bed. His hair was a mess which was pretty unusual, especially after his alchemy awakening while killing the king. His eyes felt heavy. Even after sleeping for long enough he had a horrible sleep quality. After a few minutes of sitting there clipping in and out of reality he got up to teleport to his daughter's room.

*Dabi sighed softly his fingers subconsciously ran through Tadashi's hair. He leaned his head back against the wall as he watched the sunrise from the open window.*

The man looked over to her and gave a soft but slightly disappointed sigh. 'Poor thing.' Coí was still laying in her bed, she hadn't moved a bit. The alchemist made his way over to her to check her temperature. To his disappointment it had risen again. "Oh Coí... I'm so sorry sweetie." He brushed some of her short and messy hair out of her face as his alchemy took the warm cloth to make it wet in a new bowl if cold water. "Please just keep fighting... Daddy will find a way to help you." He gently brushed along her covered arm.

*The half-breed perked up when he heard Coí's door open from down the hall. He gave a sigh as he adjusted the twins on his lap.*

Tomura hummed as he kissed her forehead. "Daddy will be back with something to help you." he gave a weak smile as he existed the room to go to his lab.

*Dabi's gaze remained drawn to the window. He subconsciously began to hum to himself.*

The man grabbed his coat and adjusted it so that he wasn't walking around in his night clothes. But as he stood before his door he turned and made his way to the twins room. 'I need to see if they are alright..that would be one less worry..' he gave a sigh as he opened the door gently.

*As soon as the door opened, Tomura could hear Dabi's humming perfectly. He was still sitting on one of their beds with the two in his lap, his wings hiding their small bodies perfectly. The dragon didn't even turn to Tomura when he opened the door; as if he was in his own little world outside the house.*

The man spotted both his mate and the small boys fitting perfectly in his arms when he walked near them. He smiled a bit as he saw both of the twins sleeping peacefully to the humming of the dragon. Within seconds Tomura teleported away to get some medicine for his daughter.

*Dabi's eyes shifted to Tomura's for a quick second before turning away again.*

He now worked on some medicine for his daughter. He just wanted her to be good again and have a happy childhood. And he is determined to give everything to the little girl. His potions were gently boiling as he prepared some berries and leaves with spells as well as the potions.

*Dabi leaned his head back where it was against the wall. He sighed softly as he closed his eyes, but sleep was far away from him.*

Tomura continued to work on something that would help Coí for two more hours. He grabbed the two potions he had made and slowly made his way over to her room, too exhausted to teleport.

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