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Exclusively Lesbianism

*The alchemist felt her cheeks heat up. She giggled as she pressed another kiss against Akira's head.* "Aww! You're so sweet, 'kira!" *She giggled.* "But there's no honest way I could amount up to you."

"Well there is always drugging me with your love and affection~" she giggled as she kissed her cheek again. Her hands were now resting on Zatsu's back as they ran over it gently.

*Zatsu hummed softly.* "True." *She folded her arms over Akira's chest and rested her chin on her folded arms. The alchemist then started gently playing with Akira's hair and massaging her scalp.* "You're so beautiful, Princess~" *She purred.*

"Oh thank you, means a lot coming from someone as gorgeous as you~" she hummed as she leaned back and enjoyed the soft affection she gave her. All while holding onto the woman smiling.

*The alchemist gave her fiancé a smile as she gave her affection. A good while of silence passed between the two. For the first time in a while, Zatsu felt calm and relaxed. Sharing soft moments between the two was rather rare, whether it be Akira was busy or Zatsu was busy attending to her duties. However, when they would have soft moments together like this, she made sure to cherish them. While she laid on Akira, her eyes wandered down to the ring she wore proudly. Zatsu felt herself smile as the jewels shimmered in the starlight.* "Thank you..." *She muttered softly after a good while.* "I never thought I'd ever meet someone as kind and wonderful and amazing as you. Let alone be engaged to one!" *She gave a happy smile at the end.*

She blushed heavily as she looked up to her "Y-yeah, me too. I never thought I would ever be in such a position where I'd be engaged to someone. Let alone someone I truly love." She hummed at the end as she lifted her head up to connect their foreheads. "You're absolutely a wonder for me." She kissed her. "If I knew I'd end up with you, I think I would go through all the pain and suffering again. Making it totally worth it."

*Zatsu felt herself close her eyes as she maneuvered the hand that was in Akira's hair to her cheek, holding her face gently.* "I love you, Akira." *She hummed with a smile.* "With all my heart. I'd walk right through hell and back for you."

She gave a small chuckle, "Well aren't I a lucky one then?" She kissed her cheek as she melted into her touch.

*The alchemist giggled.* "Guess so~"

"Well you wanna get cleaned up now?" She asked as she kissed her lovingly.

*Zatsu gave a soft nod.* "Sounds good." *She carefully scooted herself off of Akira and onto the floor.*

"Come." She slid off the edge of the bed as she took her hand and a cloud of alchemy gently lifted the woman up. Even if Akira gave a groan as she now stood she walked on the floor alongside her fiancée.

*The alchemist gave a pout as she was lifted.* "Come up here!" *She whined as she reached for her fiancé.*

"Alright alright." She gave a happy giggle as she lifted herself up to sit next to her."You happy?" She asked as she gently brushed through her hair while kissing her forehead.

*Zatsu hummed as she nodded.* "Very!" *She carefully intertwined her fingers with Akira's, planting a soft kiss on her hand.*

She gave a smile as she hummed "If you say so my dear." The cloud moved to the bathtub as she hummed. "I'll let in some water." Her alchemy did it for her as she kissed the woman again.

*The woman gave a soft chuckle as she was given affection. She couldn't stop herself from smiling as she rested her forehead against Akira's.*

"You're so beautiful.." she whispered as she leaned against the woman's shoulder now. Her head slowly moved down to her shoulder to rest on it.

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