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*As soon as the door opened, the room had dropped dead silent. Dabi looked around the room with a confused, unimpressed look.* -Looks about as dusty as the other room. But then what was that noise? Surely I wasn't hallucinating.- *The half-breed started wandering around. That was, until he was dragged onto the ground. Dabi let out a yelp as he started kicking around, hoping to hit the figure he could not see. He then let out in unintentional roar as the creature bit down onto one of his legs. The ravenette's hand prepared a flame and shot it into the creature's face. He spread his wings and zipped up to the ceiling, hoping the monster wouldn't be able to reach him at this height. Which she couldn't. Dabi looked at his wounded leg and hissed softly as the blood continued to drop.* "What the hell was that?"

Tomura kneeled down to the leg and explained "That's my undead master." He pulled the blue stone out of his pocket and started healing his wounds. "I probably should have warned you that since she turned undead she has been quite the uncontrollable cannibal." Dabi felt the stone against his skin and parts in the wound.

*Dabi hissed softly. His wings cowered around his body.* "Right." *Dabi managed to say.* "Like a zombie or some shit?"

Tomura lifted himself up with the help of Dabi's leg. "Yeah, perhaps her preferences have changed but once she is self-conscious again we can figure that out." The alchemist then grabbed both of his arms and put them out "I will put a small protection spell on our arms, so we have a small shield to protect us from her teeth." Tomura pulled out some leaves and placed them in Dabi's hands. He then turned his arms so the inner side faced up. He grabbed on the wrist. "I advise you to do the same." He spoke softly

*Dabi hesitated before mocking Tomura's movements. His tail flicked anxiously, but his facial reactions remained cold and unreadable.*

Tomura let his alchemy do the rest as he started whisper a spell and the black dark blue smoke appeared again. This time the smoke went to their hands and in the covered palm. Dabi starred as the smoke disappeared in his hands and then somehow went through his veins with a eerie blue glow. Tomura's grip onto his wrist got tighter as their skin then turned blue a bit. It was like his scales but smoke edition. When the smoke covered half of his arm the alchemist let go of his arm slowly.

*Dabi turned his arm slightly, taking in the different angles. He hummed softly in interest as he examined the slightly different colors.* "So...this will protect us?" *He turned his attention to Shigaraki.* "Does it have a time limit? Or is it just a one time use thing?"

"Depends on what your fighting, like it's strong against teeth and claws but weak when it comes to acid. So I guess in this case it's a timer, I would give it 10-15 minutes depending on how much she wants to fight." Tomura crossed his arms and looked the other directly in his eyes this time. "Since she broke the chains, we should catch her and I melt the chains so we can reconnect them, perhaps while you hold her I could try to intoxicate her to calm down or something."

*Dabi nodded softly. He looked over towards the creature and his wings folded in against his back.* -10 to 15 minutes...-

Tomura walked a bit closer to his master, she of course started to attack but fortunately couldn't reach him. "Dabi, somewhere around here has to be a brazier, collect some wood from a stack next to the entrance of the chamber and light them up." He turned to the table which was his lab and started looking for the herbs.

*Dabi turned around and started to look for wood. He ended up grabbing around 7 pieces of wood and put them into the brazier. He used his flames to light it before stepping away and admiring his work. The flames lit up almost the entire chamber around them, illuminating every crease and shadow. The ravenette turned to Tomura when he called his name.*

Bound by Fate (Shigadabi)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz