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*The half-breed looked down at his mate. He gave a soft sigh as he rubbed the blanketed head of his lover.* -What do I do?...- *Dabi thought.* -I don't know...Why does everything bad have to fall on me when things are finally going right?! Tomura was finally happy...None of this would have happened if I hadn't had let him get kidnapped! I should have been faster...He wouldn't have all these doubts if he hadn't had visited that old hag. But...it was my fault he was taken away. It was my fault that Akira could have died and Tomura knows about this...What is wrong with me?! Why do I have to be such a failure?!-

Tomura suddenly felt his soft and warm surface quiver. He rubbed his head against the now lightly moving chest. He gave a whine as he then let go and lifted his head up. He pushed the upper part of the blanket off of him as he grabbed the man's face. His trembling fingers helped connect their foreheads. He gave a low whimper unable to speak as a tear rolled down his face. His hands caressed Dabi's cheeks as the man let out tears as well. 'It's okay Dabi...I understand...this is an exhausting situation...'

"I'm sorry, Tomura..." *Dabi whispered as he gently gripped his mate's hand.* "I-I should be the one comforting you right now..." *He choked out with a soft snicker. He felt pathetic as he held his mate's hand. He was supposed to be the sturdy one: he was the king after all. Not to mention the eldest of his siblings. He was supposed to be the one that could take hits and not crumble, the one that would be there for those he loved. But he was completely useless now.*

"It's o-okay.." he sniffed in response. "It's time for you to cry now." He whispered as he teleported another blanket over Dabi. He slid out of his lap so that he could wrap one arm around him. He gently pressed his mate against his chest while letting his other hand ran through his hair.

*The half-breed shook his head as he used his wrist to rub his face.* "Tomura, I'm fine." *He looked at the alchemist.* "You need this, Love...You're the one that's suffering right now..."

"W-we're both... suffering.." he muttered as he placed his head on his mate's white fluff ball of hair. He used his other arm to not let the man slip out of the embrace. His left hand massaged his scalp as soft tears continued to roll down his face.

*Dabi looked up at his mate. He gently kissed his forehead and sighed as he ran his hand through his lover's hair.*

Tomura gave a hum as he took a piece of cloth to gently wipe away Dabi's tears. "I-It'll be alright....I believed in..us...Dabi...we...can do this...." He gave a small sniff as he held onto him tighter "We're a family."

*The half-breed nodded as he held his mate close to him. He gently ran his hand through his lover's hair as he kissed his head.* "Right...We'll get through this together..."

The man gave a hum as he cleaned a few tears away. He brushed some hair out of Dabi's face as he leaned back against a big pillow. He brought the dragon's body in-between his legs as he adjusted the blanket. He then cuddled the man and gave his head a kiss. 'A family....yeah... we're a family.' The word 'family' had a nice ring to it. It just sounded so right to use it for them. He gave a small huff as he looked down at the half-breed.

*The half-breed felt himself give a sad smile to his mate as he held the alchemist close.*

Tomura held him close. He did not speak a word as his throat hurt but he could cuddle and comfort the man with touch. He gave his head a small kiss as he adjusted the blanket over his lover's head.

*Dabi looked at his mate. He couldn't help but still feel bad for everything that had happened and took blame for everything. Tomura's sadness, all his doubts, he took blame for it all. How could he not?*

The alchemist looked into the sad ocean blue eyes. He gave a sigh as he leaned further down. He bobbed his nose with his own. "Don't be sad....we can do this. And it's fine to cry... I've cried the whole time.....you are involved into this weird situation as well..." He gave a small hum before kissing his cheek softly.

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